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Weeds, Weeds Everywhere

| March 9, 2016 | Comment Now!
Weeds, Weeds Everywhere

By Violet Green Have you been seeing dandelions and clovers popping up in your lawn or along the side of the street? Spring comes early here in San Diego and the tender green plants are everywhere you look. You might not know it, but these plants are good for you and delicious too. Now, you […]

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What Makes Successful People Tick

| March 9, 2016 | Comment Now!

You look at highly successful people and you want to get a crack inside, to understand the inner workings in order to learn the secret of their success. There’s no magic potion that makes a success story happen. It all comes down to habits that successful people follow in order to get exactly what they […]

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Be Smart About Your Resolutions

| February 2, 2016 | 0 Comments

SMART goals — commonly defined as specific, measureable, achievable, relevant and time-bound — have been used in the corporate world since the early 1980s. The concept has stood the test of time because it works. Anyone can set goals without these criteria, but if goals aren’t clearly defined and geared toward your real objective, you’ll […]

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Got Milk? Unites Over 20 California Artists for Charity Project

| January 3, 2016 | Comment Now!
Got Milk? Unites Over 20 California Artists for Charity Project

Local artists paint life-size cow sculptures to raise funds for Camp Ronald McDonald California is known for being one of the premier creative capitals of the world. For decades, artists have flocked to California seeking inspiration from the state’s majestic scenery and vibrant culture. Now, the the California Milk Processor Board (CMPB), creator of the iconic got […]

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Healthy Life Choices for the New You

| January 3, 2016 | 0 Comments
Healthy Life Choices for the New You

by Violet Green I recently reminisced about holiday childhood traditions with a friend. We were shocked at the amount of sugar and fat in all of our favorite foods, couldn’t believe the gender inequality in many of our cherished holiday videos, and were surprised when singing the lyrics to some traditional songs. Oh how my […]

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The Big Four

| January 3, 2016 | Comment Now!

There are four areas in your fitness routine to be sure to include in your training design. If you are a solo artist doing it “on your own” be sure to incorporate this in to your plan. If you are working with Fitness Pro, chances are good that you already are feeling the effects of […]

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Prepare Your Body for Optimal Winter Performance

| December 5, 2015 | Comment Now!

Pre- and Post-Workout Stretching Tight muscles, cramped joints and a lethargic body is not how you want to ring in this winter season. Instead, prepare your body for winter exercise by introducing stretching into your overall health and fitness routine. Don’t worry, you don’t have to schedule tons of time to make stretching beneficial and […]

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Swimming Upstream Takes Courage

| October 31, 2015 | Comment Now!
Swimming Upstream Takes Courage

A good friend of mine recently reminded me that as Americans we have been given privileges and rights, and therefore, we also have a responsibility to protect them. He also reminded me that “swimming upstream takes courage.” He is so right. Five years ago, I was one of hundreds of San Diegans fighting to prevent […]

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Three Secrets to a Healthy Lifestyle

| October 5, 2015 | Comment Now!

Shhhhhhhhh……this is “secret.” Don’t tell anyone. Everyone knows that eating healthy exercising are essential habits to living a healthy lifestyle. But, what you might not know is that there are three other underlying elements that also are important to helping you lose weight, get fit and feel great. Hydrate to Elevate Your Fitness Losing weight […]

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Summer Is Over

| September 2, 2015 | Comment Now!

As summer begins to wind down, so do the days with no routines or schedules. As you start to get your kids in their back to school routines, you should also think about getting back into your regular fitness routine. Face it, summer break probably left you with little time during the day to schedule […]

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