What Makes Successful People Tick

| March 9, 2016 | Comment Now!

You look at highly successful people and you want to get a crack inside, to understand the inner workings in order to learn the secret of their success. There’s no magic potion that makes a success story happen. It all comes down to habits that successful people follow in order to get exactly what they want out of life. Take some of the following tips to join the club and realize your goals along the way.

Give Yourself a Break
Believe it or not, but all work and no play is not a good combination. Push yourself too hard, work too many hours, and you’ll burn out. You may be driven in the pursuit of your passion, but you’re not doing yourself any favors if you are putting in more than 50 hours in a week. When the weekend rolls around, you need to give yourself a breather. This is your opportunity to decompress. Your brain will still be quietly working on solutions and ideas for your job, even when you are not consciously aware of the process. Do yourself a favor and stop bringing your job home at the end of the week.

Turn Off the Technology
When you are taking your weekend off from work, that means disconnecting from the phone and the computer. In the age of mobile devices, it’s especially challenging to ignore those texts, instant messages, and e-mails that keep popping up. Set the phone down and walk away. Don’t fire up that computer.

If you feel you must check in, designate a time during the day, such as a half hour after breakfast to take a peek. Otherwise, move on with your day. If you find yourself getting too sucked in by work drama, cut off the e-mails completely. They’ll keep until Monday.

Get Moving
You need to embrace exercise in your life. Include it on the weekends and weekdays as well. You’ll leave your stress behind and do your body a favor. Do something that motivates you and gives you pleasure, like going for a swim or taking a hike. You don’t have to be married to the treadmill to reap the rewards of an active lifestyle.

Keep the Chores Under Control
If you’re like most people, you load up your weekends with chores. Tying up your Saturday and Sunday with home improvements or odds and ends is only putting you to work again. Prioritize. Break up your jobs into manageable chunks. You need to make sure that you give yourself the gift of time on the weekend. Don’t bog yourself down trying to take care of all of the world’s problems.

Take Time to Enjoy Yourself
When you have the gift of a weekend, you need to make the most of it. Enjoy it to the fullest by going after your passion, making time for your family, and going on adventures. You have two days at your disposal at the close of every week.

Don’t waste them. You’ll have the opportunity to reflect, rest, and recharge for the coming week, helping you to be more inspired when you are back to work. Your weekend breaks will set you on the path to success.

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