Concetta Antico
Concetta Antico's Latest Posts
The Muse News

Living Artfully with Yourself As summer draws to a close, and September and all it’s hustle and bustle of the business of life restarting and renewing itself, it is important to take your own pulse every day and check-in with number one. Time to be sure you are taking the best of care of you. […]
The Muse News

As I write to you this issue from my 12-acre farm in Byron Bay, Australia, I am inspired to share the goodness of grow-your-own, weekly farmers markets and the great joy of living off the land. Proclaimed green thumb, or not, there has never been a better time than now to embrace the art of […]
The Muse News

Living Artfully Without Television As we embrace the huggable warm months of summer time with all of its outdoor fun and adventure under the stars, you may wish to ask yourself, does television play the staring role in my life? If the answer is yes (if you can’t compute how to answer this, just […]
The Muse News

Living Artfully and With a Big Picture Are you living with your “big picture” in play every day? Recently, it was brought home to me that being constantly conscious of the legacy we are leaving as we live our daily lives is the secret to saying that final farewell with peace, joy and grace. Where […]
The Muse News

Living Artfully with Color Short of donning a red satin cape and running around the green grass in a spray of complementary colors shouting “Van Gogh forever!,” what can you do on a daily basis to add a little more color to your life? As you know I’m the World’s First Tetrachromat Artist (which means […]
The Muse News
Living Artfully with Courage By Concetta Antico This month I am moved to write to you about how to live artfully with courage. I am referring to the courage that prevails against all odds. In recent weeks some of those who are dear to me have experienced many and varied personal difficulties. I have offered […]
Living Artfully and Calmly
The now famous English wartime graphic “Keep Calm and Carry On” has become a ubiquitous mental reminder to slow down and relax in tense times. Sadly these days some folks would say, “How do you do that?” Universally, there are many such mantras which when stated will trigger immediate stress reduction and offer reminders to […]
Living Artfully With Heart!
Too often those who seek to perform kind acts have a subliminal reward or personal return in mind. They offer “kind” acts done with a self-seeking ulterior motive in mind (think donation to charity for the purpose of tax deductions!). Living artfully with true and good heart requires that you perform genuine acts of kindness […]
The Artful Spirit
Living Artfully With a Life Creed by Concetta Antico Too often we forget about the ongoing efforts we make as we strive to be our best, succeed and create a happy balanced life. It is easy to overlook the one person who consistently works the hardest at this goal – you! Let’s consider what might […]
The Artful Spirit
Cheap stress relief? Think pen and ink! Wikipedia: “Doodle” A doodle is an unfocused or unconscious drawing made while a person’s attention is otherwise occupied. Doodles are simple drawings that can have concrete representational meaning, or may just be abstract shapes. The power to produce what you need (be it organization, information or relaxation), is […]