The Muse News

| September 2, 2015 | Comment Now!

Living Artfully with Yourself

As summer draws to a close, and September and all it’s hustle and bustle of the business of life restarting and renewing itself, it is important to take your own pulse every day and check-in with number one. Time to be sure you are taking the best of care of you.
Demands, deadlines, children, family concerns, associations, volunteering, community this and that, work, and more work will take their toll if you don’t enforce your personal boundaries.

Left unattended the results could be stress city for you. What is it then to live artfully with yourself? In a time where it is easy to get lost n the clutter of responsibilities, be sure you have allowed ample time to nurture your health, body, mind and spirituality.

Easier said than done in a world often spinning out of your own orbit, but consider the toll, “I’m just doing too much,” will take?

Often I hear from my friends that they live near a beach, park or other splendidly free amenity, and yet they never have a moment to enjoy them? Some say they have gone months without a walk in the park, or on the sand at a nearby beach, seen a sunset or a moon, or even strolled around their own block.

The pressures of work is often the cause for some, for others put everything and everyone else before them. If you live to work and serve others they when do you live? There is no point working if you never nurture you, play or escape? I have also seen beautiful homes created from so much hard work that ironically are not “lived” in. Gardens blooming yet not enjoyed, comfortable rooms beautifully decorated, yet never entered.

Balance is imperative for you. Unhappiness and stress will result if you feel that you are over taxed. Next step comes resentment, finally depression and a life not well lived. Are you depressed, tired, run down or in ill health? If so, consider the journey that you have created that has put you there. The result is that you have not nurtured yourself and you must now change that.

For many this word is so uncomfortable. Just saying or thinking it is uncomfortable. All know they need to. All know they should. Few do. If you are one of the many who don’t and you think about it every day; then it is time for a nurturing change. Ask yourself, “What is it that is causing the good and healthful intentions I have for me to be swept away?” Change something now, be protective of your health objectives, and make the kind of exercise you love a priority.

Piles of magazines and books everywhere – ever present piles growing, tempting and guilt laden as they are habitually unread? Wishes for quiet reflection and reading enjoyment never granted? Do you find you rarely have time just to sit reading anyway? It’s time to make a change for the relaxed you. Find your book nook and hideout!

Quiet alone time…cat naps…garden moments…conversations caught up…vacations dreamed of. Do your ever find time for these?

If you are coming up with large “NO” answers for these pampering possibilities then please consider how you fill your days. How much time do you take from your day? Are you working more than you should, or are paid? Are your delegating the loads about your home by making others responsible and free you up?

With your year in full swing and the ever-present possibility that you are flailing about in the overdoing it rut, do an about face and claim your bliss, your space and regain your sanity and so much more.

I leave you with this thought until next month – thanks for taking the time to read all that is here for you.

“Be like a bird, who, halting in her flight on a limb too slight, feels it give way beneath her, yet sings knowing she has wings…” Victor Hugo

Concetta Antico

Concetta Antico

 Concetta Antico is mother, wife, Tetrachromat, fine artist, instructor, writer and creative muse. Her stunning Tetrachromatic oil on canvas masterpieces reveal her brilliance and super vision and may be viewed at “Live Artfully” is a trademark of Concetta Antico and Zenava Inc. Her Salon & Gallery are located at 1920 Fort Stockton Drive, Suite A, Mission Hills, San Diego and are open to the public from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays, and by appointment. Concetta welcomes your creative thoughts, comments and ideas at

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