National News
Trump is Still Trump
By George Mitrovich The greatest thing ever said about age was said by the great Negro Leagues pitcher, Leroy “Satchel” Paige, who memorably said: “How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?” Having just gone through lung surgery at Sharp Hospital (unrelated to smoking, which I’ve never done and have […]
Conserving Water without Sacrificing Beauty
Scott Kleinrock, educator, horticulturist, and landscape designer, spoke to the San Diego Horticultural Society in April. He is currently a conservator manager at the Chino Basin Water Conservation District in San Bernardino where he works on creating a culture of sustainable water use through demonstrations and education. He has also worked as a landscape planning […]
Do Not Annoy or Molest the Alligators
Guessing game…where am I? There is no upper age limit for women on wearing short shorts or for men who cut the sleeves out of their tee shirts. Gnomes, pink flamingoes and leaping dolphins’ main habitat is front yards of homes. There are billboards that flash noting how long it will take, at any given […]
Donald Trump and the 25th Amendment
By George Mitrovich As I write this column the president is in the Middle East, with visits to Saudi Arabia and Israel, and his Holiness in Rome ahead. So far it seems like a normal presidential trip, with Trump reading from speeches prepared for him, and has refrained from Tweeting. Is there a new Trump? […]
The State of Our Confusion
by George Mitrovich Renunciation of thinking is a declaration of spiritual bankruptcy. Where there is no longer a conviction that men can get to know the truth by their own thinking, skepticism begins. — “Out of My Life and Thought” by Albert Schweitzer The Syrian Government dropped sarin gas on its defenseless citizens and 80 […]
Explore Your Neighborhood Parks
This past month, a friend of mine who lives in Connecticut came to San Diego on a business trip. He commented on how lucky we are to live here. The weather, the environment, nature…all of the benefits of living in San Diego, and so close to the ocean, were just some of what he noticed. […]
What Now?
On the Bright Side…. If there’s some benefit to having tripped into a New York City sidewalk pothole, trashing my ticket to “Hamilton,” sending my lovin’ kin, as a result, into an unexpected adventure of ambulances, emergency rooms, changed schedules, and so on, it’s that now, in a technologically-impressive boot and armed with crutches and […]
Courtesy, Civil Society & Journalism
By George Mitrovich Bret Peace is a graduate of Stanford University and the University of Michigan Law School. He’s written a book, “Actual Malice,” which documents the collapse of Congressman Gary Condit’s political career; a collapse brought about by the Washington Post and the District of Columbia’s police department. Peace’s book, written in partnership with […]
Encountering Ayn Rand at Fourteen?
I was 14 when I saw “The Fountainhead” with Gary Cooper and Patricia Neal. I saw the film on a Saturday afternoon at the North Park Theater (a 10 cents trolley ride from our home on Redwood Street on the border with South Park). The “gang” I hung out were all from the neighborhood and […]
Donald Trump & Amazing Grace
“Amazing grace how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I’m found. Was blind but now I see.” On the night he won the Florida Republican Primary, Donald Trump faced a crowded ballroom of supporters and several hundred media people. He began his remarks by saying, “I […]