Villa Musica Offers Pop/Rock Performance Skills and Songwriting Camp

| August 2, 2017 | Comment Now!

Students can further their musical skills and talents during camp week.

A Pop/Rock Performance Skills and Songwriting Camp is being held from Monday, August 7 through Friday, August 11 and is designed for teens and advanced tweens (age 12 to 17) who have good instrumental proficiency in one area (such as voice, guitar, bass, piano, or drums) but would like to branch out, and gain confidence in other areas as well.

If you’re a guitar player who isn’t comfortable singing background vocals, or singing and playing, this camp is for you. If you’re a singer who would love to learn basic drumbeats, and start writing your own songs and lyrics, this camp is for you.

Students will collaborate with their peers, performing and arranging covers of well-known songs, and composing original material (lyrics and music.) Included in the activities:
• Group singing to gain confidence to carry a tune and harmonize
• Songwriting, composing, practicing music theory
• Basic chord-playing skills on a secondary instrument (if you play guitar, your secondary instrument will be keyboard, and vice-versa)
• Basic drum set technique, including stick technique and the three most common pop-rock drum beats
• Coaching on primary instruments, and in collaborative groups

Cost of the Course is $275; please bring your own instrument. For information, call (858) 550-8010 or visit

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Category: Education, Events, Local News, Music

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