Artists Invited to Exhibit at Art & Craft Show Old Town San Diego

| August 7, 2017 | Comment Now!

The Old Town Chamber of Commerce has begun registering artists to exhibit their work at the 7th annual Art & Craft Show Old Town San Diego. The popular free weekend show will be open to the public from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday, September 30 and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sunday, October 1 along San Diego Avenue in Old Town. Being a Juried Show, the majority of each artist display must be original artwork. Any prints displayed must be limited edition only and represent a minority of each artist’s work displayed.

Artists may register through Zapp or fill out an official application and return it with payment to the Old Town San Diego Chamber of Commerce. An “Early Bird” discount is available for applications received by August 1. Final day to register will be September 12 or until all available spaces are filled.

The 2-day weekend event, which is free to the general public, is expected to attract over 15,000 local residents and visitors from around the country, including fine art aficionados and collectors from San Diego and beyond.

For additional information, artists can call 619.233.5008 or visit the website


Category: Events, feature, Local News

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