A Fresh Perspective on Abundance

| July 9, 2017 | Comment Now!

by Violet Green

A monarch butterfly is taking shape.

When I was a kid I had dreams of “getting rich” or “making it big” when I was an adult. I thought that all problems could be solved with money. The experience of money in my family was that there were too many mouths to feed and there were never enough dollars. The holidays brought stockings full of “needs,” like toothbrushes, nightgowns, and jeans, not toys, games, and skis. But, when I think back to that time from my now adult perspective, I see that we were rich in so many ways – supportive community, happy family, loving parents, and heat (in New England winters, this is a must). I can’t ever remember the electricity being turned off, or not having essentials like food and toilet paper that other people sometimes had to go without.

As I made my way through college and into my adult years, I learned from different teachers that I didn’t really want to be rich; I wanted to be abundant! It’s not just a semantic difference to me, but a noticing of the availability of fun experiences with friends, love, food, and even extra winter rains that turn into more fruit on my trees.

Do I have all of my needs met and still get to have “wants” fulfilled too? You bet I do! I look at my life with such gratitude these days, and even am delighted by unexpected surprises (like the double yolk in my breakfast the other day). When I know there is enough for all to share, I can feel the flow in my life of what’s needed, what’s available, and what will continue to come into my life.

I recently got to experience another surprising bit of abundance. For the last two years, I’d been hearing about a local herbalist’s six-month botanical apprenticeship program. I wasn’t sure if I could “swing it,” so kept ignoring emails that I received about it. Then, coincidentally (if you believe in that sort of thing), one of my friends told me she was joining and so was another, mutual friend of ours. I wondered about my resistance and willingness to let money get in the way of this opportunity. So, I decided to call and see if there were any spots left. Well, that was last autumn and I’ve just recently finished my apprenticeship. Once again, I am overflowing with abundance that I could not have anticipated – not just the botanical knowledge, but new friends, broader perspectives on plants, and a newfound appreciation for hiking in our hot, dry, local desert and the tiny plants that thrive there.

I am filled with gratitude for the abundant flow that I experience daily. Even on days where my new commute has worn me down, I stroll through my garden looking for little gifts. Just yesterday I found a monarch butterfly chrysalis. I can see the outline of the wings through the outer layer. I hope to see the beautiful new butterfly to add to my abundant flow in the next day or two.

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Category: Health & Fitness, Life Style

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