Female Role Models

| August 30, 2011 | Comment Now!

This past month, I have had a chance to consider the females in my past and present life who have been an inspiration and role models. My Mom, of course, made a huge impact on my life as a woman who had her own daycare business. And, of course, she was a great Mom.

There was Miss Pagano, my English teacher in high school who was kind enough to help me get a scholarship to Colorado University. She encouraged me to write and believe in myself.

Recently, I spoke to two women, Tara Sophia Mohr (whose article is on the front cover), and Jamie Stein, director of Digital Initiatives for PepsiCo. Stein leads the company’s women-focused efforts, which includes PepsiCo’s Women’s Inspiration Network – an online interactive network offering a global female perspective on topics important to women. This corporate initiative was driven by PepsiCo’s commitment to women empowerment and will feature branded and non-branded content of inspiration and idea sharing.

Besides her important job role, Stein is also a working mom. We discussed the challenges and opportunities that come with all the new social media. She chuckled while referring to the need to juggle and more to do. However, she also says this allows PepsiCo to engage with its customers, “It enhances our insights and opportunities.”

Stein also said that more women are going online before purchasing, and recommending things to their friends via social media, including Twitter, Facebook and Blogging.
At the same time, she said that social media is now a part of their integrated marketing plan. It won’t replace TV and print advertising. It’s an enhancement.

What I consider valuable and common about all of these women is that they all used social-related efforts to enhance their relationships. Though the media vehicles may not have existed for my Mom and Miss Pagano, they realized the importance of connecting and establishing relationships that would help them personally and professionally.

For obvious reasons, I plan to continue to stay connected with Jamie Stein and Tara Sophia Mohr. What they were able to share in a brief amount of time was that the new social media vehicles that are currently available are meant to enhance and support the standard media, as well as to make communication more present and interactive. As the executive editor of a commentary-driven publication, I like knowing that we can achieve and accomplish more. However, as Stein, I know this means more plates in the air. Please visit www.presidiosentinel.com to see how we’re also connecting via social media.

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