How Does Your Garden Grow?
Cara Wilson-Granat, author and inspirational speaker, will be at Mission Hills Nursery, 1525 Fort Stockton Drive, 11:30 a.m., Sunday, April 15, 2012. Wilson-Granat covers the themes of power of hope and making positive life choices. She will also introduce her newest book, “It Takes A Lot Of Sh*t” to make a garden grow.
Her newest title focuses on using life’s challenges as seeds for personal growth. It features testimonials of individuals who share their challenges, many ongoing, describing the empowering perspectives they’ve gained through adversity.
“While writing this book I’ve encountered extremely brave individuals who have faced unbelievable challenges,” said Wilson-Granat. “A gay man speaks about the brutal beating that left him blind. His self-discovering about love, relationships and living in a sightless world is awe-inspiring. Another interviewee tells her riches-to-rags story that will touch anyone hit by foreclosures, job loss, or drastic changes due to dire economic conditions. Everyone has a story—one talks about loss of love, another living with a disease death-sentence, another about a life of chronic pain. They’ve all managed to transform their garbage into gardens of growth. None of them are victims of their circumstances.”
She has published two other published works: Dear Cara-Letters from Otto Frank and Nature Teachers—Simple Lessons of Life Taught by the Most Unlikely Masters. All three books are available on Amazon and on Cara’s website: The book’s illustrations are drawn by artist Jesse Wilson.
Following Wilson-Granat’s presentation, Liz the Chef will prepare a tasty spring dish using fresh from the garden ingredients, plus a few surprise elements. Cost is $5.00 per guest. Payment is due prior to class. Sign up on line or at the nursery. For information, call (619) 295-2808.
Category: Life Style