Human TuneUp by Cath

| May 2, 2015 | 0 Comments

5 Human Flaws You Can Live With and Still Be Just Fine

Perhaps when we are younger and everything seems to be a crisis, including a broken finger nail, we are not ready to overlook our small flaws or imperfections.

But as we move along life, perspective itself helps us see we can simply breathe and not be so serious about things that are not so serious.

Sense of time.

Everyone has their own. I remember dating a man who would say “I’ll be over in a little while.” To me that meant 30 minutes or less. To him it meant within the day.

We did not marry.

Need to be perfect.

Pick a couple of important tasks or qualities and go for it but do not try to be perfect at everything and you will be just fine. Perfect housekeeping?  If you must.  Perfectly clean desk? If you must.  Perfect person? Let it go…

See what’s wrong and not right.

If you have trained your eye to see only what is not working in the world, you can still live life…but just not as well.

Inability to relax.

Yes of course you can be tense and still live. But I feel compelled to recommend you maintain low levels of tension in your body.

Tense up then let go, relax. Repeat. Tense up then let go, relax.

A love of chocolate.

This is in fact not a flaw but one of life’s essentials.

Take life a little more lightly. Human imperfections are rarely fatal.

May+2015++ART+for+TuneUp+Human+Column+by+Cath (1)


Cath DeStefano, CEO, Speaker, Author, Fun Workshop Leader

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Category: Life Style

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