The Healing Power of Taa-naash-kaa-da
By Violet Green
Do you know of a place where you can feel your heart beat in every cell of your body? A place where you can be your true self – no questions asked, no judgements made, just unconditional love and acceptance. Maybe this is what you feel when you’re floating in the ocean, padding around your own backyard barefoot in the grass, on your favorite hiking trail, curled up in that cozy corner in your favorite library, or maybe even sitting at your best friend’s dining room table where you’ve had countless heart-to-heart conversations.
Wherever it is, I hope that you’ve had this experience in your life and that you’ll continue to know, in your heart, and in the core of your being that you are loved, special and sacred.
I’ve been lucky enough to have found this joy in my heart in many different ways, and almost always out in nature. It’s a feeling that I crave when there’s just too much busy in my life – too many appointments, too much screen time, too many gatherings (even fun ones), and not enough quiet and stillness for me to check in with my inner knowing, my body, my breath. Sometimes I can remedy it with a quick stroll through my garden, a full moon hike, or a brilliant sunset at the beach, but when I really need a break from it all, I think of Taa-naash-kaa-da Sanctuary – a sacred land that helps me heal and remember who I am. The power of Taa-naash-kaa-da is so real and alive within me, that I only need to remember my time spent there to feel the reconnection in my body – it calms my busy-ness and reminds me that I am a daughter of changing Mother Earth and I am grateful.
Taa-naash-kaa-da (say tuh NOSH kuh duh) is an Apache expression meaning, “The Great Coming Together.” It’s a place where folks are gathering to expand awareness about our relationship with Earth, to preserve historical sites, and to raise consciousness—all based upon three tenets of connection, love and responsible co-creation. You’ll find Taa-naash-kaa-da Sanctuary nestled into the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of northeastern New Mexico on a parcel just shy of 77 acres. The land is covered with native plants, rich in wildlife, and home to an 11-circuit labyrinth, a piece of the Santa Fe Trail, horses, and two shimas (aunties) who hold the vision.
The guardians of this special place are two dedicated women: Maria an Apache VisionKeeper and ceremonialist and Lynda Yraceburu, a Gypsy healer and photographer. Since they moved to the land four years ago, they’ve cultivated new connections, helped out in native communities in the area, and welcomed locals onto the land. They’ve hosted drum circles, healing workshops, camp outs, coming of age initiations, one-on-one healing sessions, and ceremonies to share their heritages and help others connect to Mother Earth. Their teachings are inclusive, truly accessible to all, and so much fun.
As stewards of the land, Maria and Yraceburu, have continued the intentional care-giving of the land practicing eco-spiritual permaculture and ensuring environmental protection as the primary focus of growth and development on the land – from placement of structures to ensuring the growth of native plants and a homestead for wildlife.
Within the past year, Taa-naash-kaa-da became an official Monarch Way Station and successfully hatched, tagged, and released 13 monarch butterflies from the land. The Monarch butterfly project is shared with local school children and as part of the outdoor education program at Taa-naash-kaa-da. They now have three horses on the land and have launched the Healing Hooves program to help women on their healing journeys with PTSD. These gentle giants re-teach confidence, communication, and connection to guide participants back towards a place where trust can become a safe option again.
As a life-long gardener and now an herbalist, I know the hard work needed just to maintain this land and these women have made it thrive under their careful watch. The time has come to purchase the land from the original Taa-naash-kaa-da Sanctuary Coalition.
Won’t you join me in ensuring this healing, enchanting space is available for us all and for the next generations to come?

Taa-naash-kaa-da Sanctuary nestled into the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of northeastern New Mexico on a parcel just shy of 77 acres.
Our deadline for funding is September 1, 2016. Every donation, big or small, matters to every person touched by this land. Please visit to make a donation, to learn more about program details, or to book a healing getaway. I hope to see you on the land soon.
Category: Health & Fitness, Life Style