Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Comes Through Mission Hills

| May 30, 2016 | Comment Now!

Be Prepared for Street Closures

This past month I learned that the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon would be coming through my Mission Hills neighborhood after parking restriction signs were posted on our automobiles. I guess you can say I was quite surprised…as were other residents on Presidio Drive. I first thought, “How did this happen without community input?”

That’s when I called the organizers of the San Diego Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon who informed me of a community meeting sponsored by the Mission Hills Town Council with only 20 people in attendance. I was told that there were residents who rejected the plan and shared various concerns.

Though I found that it was not likely that my late awareness and those of my neighbors, as well as our shared concerns would result in any modifications for this event, I did share with the event organizers that the community input process had some flaws, including minimal awareness and participation.

That being said, I do appreciate that the event organizers were quick to respond to my inquiry and concerns of my fellow neighbors.

In an effort to make neighbors of Mission Hills familiar with the race route, below is a map provided by the San Diego Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon organizers. They have also provided a phone number to reach them for questions and concerns, prior to and after the event: (844) 411-4674.


I communicated to them that we will provide feedback after the event, especially since the race route will be on Presidio Drive, where we reside. Let’s say, I am trying to stay optimistic.

Category: Featured Articles, Local News

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