What Now?

| August 2, 2017 | 0 Comments

So How’s the Family?

Of course, Trump has known Putin. Not well, nor intimately, y’know. Actually, he only knew Putin for a day or two, back in 2016. It was casual-like. Lately, though, they re-upped, for an hour or so of hushed discussion with one interpreter, from English to Russian, but not one present for Russian to English. That assured us that nothing of consequence was discussed. Will we ever know whether the sly Mr. Putin led his team to influence our elections? Has any report of substantial discussion contained a ring of truth, or determination, or plan? Has any report lasted more than one news cycle? We might recall, that the boys did agree-ish to form a group “ … around the cyber issue and the issue of non-interference.” See, nothing of any consequence has occurred.

Charles Blow in the N.Y. Times, our most ferocious anti-Trumpster, said, “… the whole business of setting up a cyber security working group with the Russians is like inviting the burglar to help you design your alarm system.”

If I were Trump, by now I’d try to hold back on ferocious attacks on the “fake news’” media. Especially while his new, slick Scaramucci has decided that whatever his new boss said then, he doesn’t mean now – the new “delete those tweets” project. Could this futile endeavor – every day’s a new day – be Sean Spicer’s new job?

We have no choice; let’s wait it all out. Let’s see whether Trump moves into governing vs. tweeting. OK, but we’re not optimistic. Columnist David Brooks put it succinctly: “… Donald Trump doesn’t really care about …Policy; he mostly cares about testosterone.”

Few of us, me amongst ‘em, can maintain a sense of humor. So let’s be thankful for the late-nighters who, at best, at least keep up some wryness. And you may groan with some degree of glee over Alec Baldwin. whose new gig on “Saturday Night Live” is playing Trump. Yet in The Atlantic, even he sighs, “ …I really feel sorry for him (Trump). Because here’s a man – you look at anybody in life, where you see someone set out to do something, and he …achieves the exact opposite … of what he believed he was going to achieve when he set out to do this in the first place.”

That’s a line that surely calls for a new tweet.


Category: Life Style

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