Herbal Merger Results in a Series of Talks

| February 2, 2015 | Comment Now!

A series of informational presentations open to the public has been a result of the merger of the San Diego Herb Club and the San Diego Chapter of the American Herbalist Guild. Part of the reorganization for the structure of the meetings, was to set up a series of presentations by local professional herbalists, including Naturopathic Medicine students from Bastyr University, faculty from the Natural History Museum, holistic clinicians and business people. Each provides a perspective on using herbs to enhance your life and health. This is in keeping with the Guild’s mission to educate and mentor people who have an interest in knowing more about the history, traditions and current research about plants with healing potential.

I have the privilege of being on the roster as a speaker for the month of March 2015. The meeting will take place at the usual time and place: Prado Building in Balboa Park, room 100 at 7 p.m., Wednesday March 4. The topic will be “A New Look at Cancer and Functional Herbs to Support Healing.”

From a functional medicine viewpoint, cancer is not a disease but a symptom. It is not the result, of random bad luck in the cell mutation lottery. It is related to toxic overload in body. While you may have a genetic pre-disposition to a kind of cancer, it is only manifested when the conditions favor it. When our internal levels of stress, heavy metals, bad air, damaging food-like substances (flavorings, dyes, preservatives, etc.) accumulate, the body responds by going to a “default setting” on an embryonic stem cell.

The rampant growth of this embryonic cell is normal, if it in a fetus: that is, it promotes fast growth of undifferentiated cells into bones, organs, skin and so forth. Its active function is turned off when its mission is realized and the fetus becomes a full baby. In a toxic environment, the body stimulates some of those cells to turn back on in an effort to survive the “deadly threat.” This is what becomes a tumor, or a blood disorder. In the process of fighting the toxins, it creates massive inflammation, disrupts the immune system, wreaks havoc on the nervous system and starves the healthy cells for nutrients.

At the presentation in March, we will discuss how to support the body in dealing with the dysfunctions so that your body can withstand the therapies and trauma of getting the embryonic cell turned back off. We will consider a few common spices and familiar plants that can reduce inflammation, stimulate the immune system, calms the anxiety and support a strong digestive system for optimal nutrient absorption.
We will not be looking for a cure; we will be looking for small, helpful additions to your lifestyle that can give your mind, body and spirit a robust stamina. Wherever possible, we will be discussing plant supplements that have solid scientific research behind them to confirm their efficacy and safety. For each function, we will offer a several examples of herbs/spices that can address it.

Future San Diego Herb Guild topics will include “Herbs for Thyroid” and “Herbals for Women’s Health” and special night with Sunshine Weeks, the professor of botanical medicine at Bastyr University.

Be sure to also come on Saturday April 25 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. to the Guild’s companion project, Trees for Health arboretum. That Saturday, the guild members will be helping to give guided tours of the trees and plants as a part of the Centennial Celebration in Balboa Park.
You don’t need a reservation in order to attend any of these events.

You can find more information by going to www.FollowingSeasons.com and clicking on the tab for San Diego Herb Guild. Thinking functionally about health is an ancient and also ground-breaking, current change in the approach to active involvement with your own healing. Bring an open mind. I look forward to meeting you there.

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Category: Health & Fitness, Local News

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