Human TuneUp Column by Cath

| May 11, 2018 | 0 Comments

Who knew!? Teacher Appreciation Week


I admit it. I didn’t know there is a week set aside to appreciate and honor teachers. Must be because I never had children that this slipped by me.

Although I educated myself to be a high school teacher. But then I remember when I started thinking of the reality of that career.

Five days a week, all day in one room with up to150 teenagers a day showing up to learn, or pass time. Plus, all those hormones. Plus, the evenings grading papers. Designing lesson plans. Parent-teacher chats.


But for those among us who chose this work? Blessings on you. Really.

It certainly takes a very special attitude, talent and skill to make it work. And the creativity to make a dollar stretch. And enough patience to make it through hyperactive students, slow learners, the unwilling and parents who are a pain.

We have all been touched by a teacher who guided our life. Who saw potential in us no one else did and helped us birth it.

So apparently the week of May 7 to 11 is the week to find them and thank them. Or, make sure your children’s teachers get a special nod during this time.

My version of honoring teachers includes my Teacher-Appreciation-Mural-Coloring Project. Check it out at

Gather, color and gift to your favorite school!

Teachers. What blessings you are. And if you happen to be a mom too? Well, Happy Teacher Appreciation Week and Happy Mother’s Day too. You are amazing.


Cath DeStefano, Author, Keynote Speaker, Artist

Teacher Appreciation Murals:

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