It’s Official! Gas Tax Repeal Qualifies for November Ballot

| July 2, 2018 | Comment Now!

County-by-County Random Sample Certifies More than 730,000 Valid Signatures Were Collected

The Gas Tax Repeal Campaign is pleased to announce that the county-by-county signature certification process on its initiative petition has been successful and California voters now will be able to vote to repeal the car and gas tax hikes enacted by Sacramento politicians.

Nearly 1 million signatures were submitted in late April on the Gas Tax Repeal Initiative petition, and more than 585,000 valid signatures were required to force the issue on the November ballot. Using the random sample method, each California county Registrar of Voters office inspected and validated the signatures – resulting in the certification of signatures across all counties.

“We are thrilled by the successful qualification of the Gas Tax Repeal Initiative and this is a huge win for the tens-of-thousands dedicated and organized grassroots volunteers who helped collect signatures,” said Carl DeMaio, Chairman of Reform California and a leader of the Gas Tax Repeal campaign.

DeMaio predicts that voters will vote overwhelmingly for the repeal measure in November.

“The Gas and Car tax hikes will cost the typical family of four $700 more per year in higher taxes, but the roads will not get fixed because the politicians will continue to divert the funds as they always have in the past,” DeMaio explained.

The next step of the process will be the assignment of a ballot proposition number and the issuance of Title and Summary for the measure that will appear in the official state voter guide this Fall.

“Sacramento politicians have been using dirty tricks to thwart the Gas Tax Repeal Initiative campaign and we are prepared to mount a legal challenge on any false and misleading Title and Summary that is issued,” DeMaio warned.

Facts about this massive hike:
• On Nov 1, 2017, Californians became subject to an additional tax of 12.5 cents more per gallon (20 cents more for diesel)
• Estimates suggest it will cost $700 or more per family, per year
• The tax also hits business owners who rely on transporting goods, raising the cost of everything from apples to Zinfindel
• Auto registration fees will increase as much as $175 a year – striking the wallets of hard-working families across the state
• The tax revenue goes into the state’s General Fund, meaning there’s zero guarantee the money will be used to actually fund the transportation “fixes” they claim will happen
• Nearly 1 million signatures were collected to qualify the measure on the November ballot; just over 550,000 were required

More information is available at


Category: feature, Local News

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