Mayor Faulconer’s Airbnb Proposal Receives Strong Protests

| July 2, 2018 | Comment Now!

Save San Diego Editorial

According to representatives of Save San Diego, without fanfare, Mayor Faulconer rolled out his proposal to change San Diego’s Municipal Code – residential zoning ordinances – to legalize the use of residential dwellings as Airbnb mini-hotels – short term vacation rentals.

There are over 10,000 homes in San Diego that have been turned into Airbnb mini-hotels for tourists. Mayor Faulconer wants to take even more San Diego houses and use them for tourist lodging.

He’s doing this despite the fact that San Diego’s residents and economy have struggled — for over a decade — under crushing housing costs because of a severe housing shortage.

Unbelievably, Faulconer proposes allowing everyone who has a “primary” residence in San Diego to rent that residence to tourists for six months out of the year – and allow everyone who has a “primary” residence in San Diego, to own and operate another San Diego home as a short term vacation rental for tourists.

Think about this. Who benefits from this “compromise”?

Who can afford to buy two homes in San Diego?

Over half the residents of San Diego are renters.

What happens when homes are turned into hotels? Who loses? Citizens, workers who pay rents that are already too high will be at the greatest disadvantage. Citizens, workers who struggle to feed their families, make ends meet and make a mortgage payment every month.

San Diego has a finite number of residential dwellings. Right now, San Diego’s housing shortfall is 35,000 to 40,000 residential dwellings – and growing. Mayor Faulconer proposes allowing everyone who has a “primary” residence in San Diego to own a “secondary” residence to be used as accommodations for tourists – transients.

In the midst of a protracted housing crisis Mayor Faulconer suggests we use precious residential housing stock — in quiet, safe, clean, friendly neighborhoods — as tourist accommodations. He’s proposing that we allow those who are fortunate enough to be able to afford two homes in San Diego to convert one of those homes to an Airbnb mini-hotel – short term vacation rental – so they can make more money. So they don’t have to rent those homes to San Diego residents – hard working citizens of America’s Finest City.

Faulconer proposes no limits on turning homes in Mission Beach into Airbnb mini-hotels. He is throwing away not only the historic community of Mission Beach, but its residents too! He is saying Mission Beach is a lost cause. If Mission Beach is a lost cause – It’s because Faulconer failed and refused to enforce the law.

Ask yourself – is your neighborhood next? Will he sell out Hillcrest? Mission Hills? Barrio Logan? North Park? Mira Mesa? La Jolla? Golden Hill? Pacific Beach? Little Italy? Downtown?

Which neighborhood is next?

Well this is it. Faulconer intends on selling our neighborhoods to the highest bidder. He intends on selling out San Diegans – again!

Help us stop him!

Post on, call, message, email or snail mail Mayor Faulconer and City Council members. Tell them you don’t want San Diego homes turned into hotels; you don’t want your neighborhood turned into a commercial hotel zone. Tell him to protect the residents, workers and community of San Diego. Tell him to do his job to serve his constituents, fellow San Diegans.


Category: Business, Events, feature, Life Style, Local News

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General articles by the Presidio Sentinel and Associated Partners.