United Way of San Diego County Women’s Leadership Council 10th Anniversary Celebration

Guests of the Leadership Council event are pictured, left to right, top row are Lisa Kalal, Sarah Thompson and Sarah Nagle; left to right, bottom row are Angel Mason Broadus, Kristine Mason Broadus and Christina Hastings.
This past month, 140 local philanthropists and business leaders gathered at The Cuvier Club in La Jolla to celebrate 10 years of this network of powerful women across all sectors and from top companies who pull together their funds to change the lives of women, children and families countywide.
The program included an interview with Zohal Najemeddine and Hafsa Ahmed, who are about to enter fourth grade and attended the United Way Readers in the Heights summer camp last year. They spoke about their dreams for the future and how United Way helped them.
Since its inception in 2008, the Women’s Leadership Council (WLC) has grown its membership, currently representing more than 200 women across multiple industries, segments, and communities.
United Way of San Diego County’s Women’s Leadership Council (WLC) raises awareness and much-needed funds to help solve community problems. The WLC has a simple goal: Mobilize the power of women to improve lives in our community. Members take action on issues that hit closest to home – in the areas of education and family stability – by giving, volunteering and advocating on behalf of women and children.
To join the WLC, members make a $1,000 annual gift directly to United Way. To learn more, visit https://uwsd.org/Womens-Leadership-Council.
Sponsors of the event included, Solar Turbines and California Bank & Trust.
Category: Business, Events, Local News