Kick Start Your Summer Body Now

| February 6, 2017 | Comment Now!

You may think this is funny given it is resolution time for most. Rather than talk about your resolutions, I would rather focus you in now, on what your body will look like this summer. If you start chipping now, by the time it is here you will be ready to strip down, show up and show out with confidence. It’s time to start focusing on a total body health and fitness routine today, in order to be ready tomorrow.

Whether struggling to shed the winter pounds, maintaining weekend warrior fitness levels or competing as an endurance athlete, everyone can benefit from a fit, healthy lifestyle built around brain wellness, body fitness and belly health. It is time to put all excuses and distractions behind you, as today is the day to start moving toward a healthy lifestyle that will lead to positive mental, physical and overall well-being results. Let’s get started.

Remember, there is no quick fix or magic bullet for achieving your health and fitness goals. The best recipe for success and looking your best on the beach this summer is a three-pronged approach:
• Strength-train a minimum of three times a week.
• Get in at least 30 minutes of cardio most days of the week (and preferably daily).
• Eat healthy, eat light, and eat often.

Brain Wellness
A healthy brain and a healthy body work hand-in-hand to achieve overall fitness and well-being. A happy mind and happy body are derived from a healthy fitness routine that is focused on keeping you motivated, pushing you to do better and helping you reach goals you never thought were possible. Consistent fitness routines help release feel good endorphins in your body that support a healthy lifestyle. Working out can also can serve as a mind and body therapy session for sweating out negative attitudes, while building total body endurance and strength

Body Fitness
It is the perfect time to get your “fit on” by switching up your routine and combining a mix of cardiovascular and strength training exercises. If you have spent the winter months stuck within the walls of a gym, it can be good for your body and mind to take your workouts outside as the weather gets warmer and the sun shines longer. Instead of logging endless miles on the treadmill, hop on a neighborhood track for a quick interval sprint workout or dust off your bike for some strenuous cycling workouts.

It also is important to not get stuck in a time rut by making sure that your fitness routine is burning calories and boosting your metabolism without draining the clock. A fast-paced, interval workout that incorporates short bursts of explosive cardio and strength exercises will not only cut your workout time in half, but it can be more effective for feeling your best, looking your best and performing better than you ever thought possible.

Belly Health
Americans’ mid-sections are not getting smaller, and the size of your belly can be a good indication of the state of your body’s health and wellness. If you are a male and your waist girth at the belly button is greater than 40, or if female, greater than 35 inches, you have work to do. Above those two numbers in either gender is a sign of potential “early onset everything,” as belly fat is the killer of both men and women.

To achieve a healthy lifestyle, it is important to focus on your body’s core, as a healthy core can lead to healthy cardiovascular systems, digestive functions and strong muscular structures. Busting out hundreds of sit ups, though, may not be the best approach to achieving a healthy middle section. Shedding an extra layer of belly bulge takes a two-prong approach of exercise and nutrition.

While sit ups can be a part of your core workout, it is important to focus on toning all of your abdominal muscles for the best results. Effective total body exercises that work the core can include planks (elbow, hand, side), knee/leg lifting exercises and standing on a balance ball when doing your regular strength training exercises.

On the food front, a healthy eating routine should include cooking more meals at home, focusing on whole, nutrient-dense foods without extra additives, preservatives, and chemicals, as well as portion control and drinking adequate amounts of water.

Remember the equation is probably 70 percent what we eat; 25 percent how we move and five percent from what got from our parents gene wise. Portion size, frequency and quality are the cornerstones to reducing body fat and waist girth. A healthy belly not only leads to a reduced risk of disease, but it also supports a more confident, energetic lifestyle.

Ready to Kick Start a Healthy Summer Body?
With only a few months left until summer; you know they will go by fast. This is time to get your body and mind in shape for optimal summertime fun and activities in the sun. Get out your summer clothes on now. Try them on, and take a good hard look in the mirror. This simple act will help you focus, take control, and get motivated to set up an action plan today.

Fitness Together Mission Hills offers personal training with qualified professionals by regular appointment in private suites. Exercise and nutritional programs are custom designed to fit your needs and abilities. Call (619) 794-0014 for more information or to schedule a free fitness diagnostic and private training session. See what others are saying about us on Yelp.

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