| June 14, 2012 | Comment Now!
Volunteers are Needed to Help Raise Funds to Support Families of Hospitalized Children

Ronald McDonald House Charities depends on dedicated volunteers to help gather donations.

More than 1,000 volunteers will be stationed at intersections throughout San Diego County – including the intersections of Laurel Street and Pacific Hwy; West Grape Street and Pacific Hwy; West Hawthorn Street and Pacific Hwy; Normal Street and El Cajon blvd;; Normal Street and Washington Ave.; University Ave. and Park Blvd.; Laurel Street and 5th Ave.; West Laurel Street and North Harbor Drive – collecting donations for Ronald McDonald House Charities of San Diego in iconic big red shoes.
Look for enthusiastic volunteers June 28 from 6:30 to 9:30 a.m. and donate cash to help San Diego’s Ronald McDonald House provide a “home away from home” for families with critically ill or injured children being treated at local hospitals. The charity takes care of the daily necessities – including meals, lodging and supportive services – of more than 20,000 family members each year, allowing them to focus their energy on helping their child heal.
In order to make Red Shoe Day a success, Ronald McDonald House Charities depends on dedicated volunteers to help gather donations. You can get involved by participating on a street team the morning of Red Shoe Day, or by creating a personal fundraising page where your friends and family can donate online. Visit to create an account and start your page. If you’d rather hit the streets to show your support, sign up as a street team member at
You can also support Red Shoe Day by visiting participating San Diego County McDonald’s between June 19 and July 1 to make a donation in-store. For more information on Red Shoe Day, to register as a volunteer, or to set up a personal fundraising page, visit

Category: Local News

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General articles by the Presidio Sentinel and Associated Partners.