Sleep Train Secret Santa Toy Drive for Foster Kids

| November 22, 2011 | Comment Now!

Annual Drive Asks for Donations of New Unwrapped Toys and Gifts

Help Brighten our Holiday!

For the nearly 60,000 foster children throughout California, the  magic of the holiday season might not be so bright as they find themselves away from family and friends. To help fill the holidays with glee and make sure every foster child wakes up Christmas morning with a gift under the tree, Sleep Train, the West Coast’s number one mattress store and number four nationwide, is hosting its annual Secret Santa Toy Drive for foster kids.

Running through December 11th, individuals and businesses are encouraged to embrace the spirit of Santa and bring donations of new, unwrapped gifts to any  Sleep Train store throughout the state.  Sleep Train’s foster organization partners have even provided a few ideas from their foster children ‘letters to Santa’ to share specific items these kids are wishing for this season. Topping the girls’ lists were Barbie dolls, dollhouses, perfume, hair styling accessories, and gift cards, while boys’ asked for Legos, action heroes, sports equipment, movies, and music players.

“For many foster children, the holidays can be challenging as the reality of their situation becomes more profound,” said Alice Gentry, community affairs manager, River Oak Center for Children.  “Receiving a gift like other children on Christmas morning can help to alleviate sad thoughts and feelings, and bring out the joy and magic of the season.”

Donated gifts will be delivered to Sleep Train’s 15 non-profit foster organization partners who will distribute the toys to foster families in time for Santa’s arrival.  Cash donations can also be made online for those too busy to shop this year, and the elves at Sleep Train will do the toy shopping for you. To find the Sleep Train store nearest to you or for more information about the toy drive, please visit  or call 1-888-88-SLEEP.




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