United Way of San Diego County Distributes School Supplies
This past October, United Way of San Diego (UWSD), and sponsor Blue Shield California Promise Health Plan, distributed hundreds of school supplies to students and families in need at Joyner Elementary School in City Heights. The day was filled with smiles and excitement when the students went up to choose their backpacks filled with school supplies.
“With San Diego students returning to the classrooms, we are taking an active role to ensure school supplies are available for children in the communities that we serve,” says Kristen Cerf, president and CEO of Blue Shield of California Promise Health Plan. “Backpacks and other school supplies are an important part of the school experience, and with many families still affected financially by the pandemic, it’s our goal to ensure students have the necessary resources that will help them continue the school year with confidence,” added Cerf.
The virtual back to school drive collected enough school supplies and monetary donations to help set up hundreds of local students and their families for a successful school year. In addition, UWSD corporate partner, Takeda, generously donated 200 backpacks in support of students most in need.
“Everyone deserves an equal opportunity to education that includes having what they need to learn,” says United Way of San Diego County President and CEO, Nancy L. Sasaki. “It was a wonderful sight to see the students and families walk away with much-needed school supplies to help ensure a successful, fun, and less stressful school year for not only their households, but also our educators working hard to keep our students engaged and prepared all year long.”
Many local families still experience the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and may find it difficult to get the school supplies they need for school. The pandemic disrupted the routines of many families in our community, from lost wages to health challenges, the economic stability of families everywhere was tested, and educators and parents became equal partners in the difficult work of teaching our youth. The school supplies UWSD and Blue Shield California Promise Health Plan distributed will not only provide much-needed relief to families in need but also create equal access to high-quality learning opportunities to all students, as well as help them meet important educational milestones and ultimately graduate high school on time despite the negative effects of the pandemic.
The public can still make monetary donations directly to UWSD to support the organization’s ongoing efforts to ensure students have the tools they need and the stability at home to succeed in school. For more information and ways to give back, visit uwsd.org.

Category: Donations, Events, Local News, Nonprofit