Can We Rely on Government Officials to Be Taxpayer Advocates?

| February 5, 2023 | Comment Now!

For any of us who subscribe to Nextdoor, which was initially a good site to seek information on neighborhood services and make connections, it’s become hot with negative comments about City Hall, primarily with our elected officials who have elected to ignore the concerns of San Diegans.

One of the recent comments was about the Union Tribune’s front-page article on the “funding gap” of $5.17 billion for infrastructure repairs.  Some of the comments referred to the “crater-like” holes in the street that are also causing vehicular damages. 

I personally have experienced the Morena Boulevard crevices that cause serious alignment and tire damage.  What’s ironic is that the major holes are located close to the City of San Diego’s Street Division which houses the vehicles and equipment to facilitate these repairs.

“You mean you can’t see the crater-like holes?”

Another recent attack on City Hall is about the 20 “stored trailers” that have been collecting dust instead of providing housing for the homeless.  Instead of accepting responsibility for mishandling the situation, our mayor elects to blame previous elected officials for this problem.  Pointing fingers instead of acting responsibly has become the norm, that’s according to homeless advocates who are frustrated with City Hall’s inability to act in a timely manner.

And it isn’t bad enough that we’re all feeling the impacts of inflation, including utility (gas, electricity, water) costs that have risen 100 percent over the past couple of months. Now SANDAG is pushing for a tax on Californians (residents and commercial) who drive (electric and gasoline), as well as mileage tracking devices that would calculate that distance.

“Is this Big Brother at work?”

If it’s not obvious, many of us drive due to a need, and we can’t rely on public transportation.  Additionally, with the increase in crime, who feels safe taking public transportation? 

Fortunately, joined by California families, homeless advocates, and small business owners who have been severely impacted by Sacramento’s misguided policies, Senate Minority Leader Brian W. Jones, (R-San Diego) and members of the California Senate Republican Caucus announced their legislative priorities which aim to cut costs, tackle crime, act on homelessness, invest in students first, build much-needed water storage, and reduce wildfires.

“Life hasn’t been easy for the average Californian under one-party rule,” Leader Jones said. “Our caucus is prepared to fix the problems plaguing families up and down this state. Gavin Newsom’s ‘California way or the highway’ has people literally fleeing because of the high cost of living, worsening homelessness crisis, and failing schools. California Senate Republicans have a plan that addresses these major issues along with others and we look forward to working with our legislative colleagues to get the job done. Government should work for you, not the other way around.”

According to his colleagues who are focused on shaping a more affordable California, they will focus on local government efforts to build more economical housing, suspend the gas tax, pursue funding to protect the state from drought and floods by building more water storage, advocate

to lower gas and utility prices, provide quality education for students, and create safer communities for children and families.

As many of us agree, we know we are spending billions on problems that keep getting worse. We need to concentrate on results, not just actions.

California is experiencing a crime rate that is 13 percent higher than the national average. One of the leading causes of death among the younger generation is fentanyl poisoning. 

Leader Jones and his colleagues says it is time to act now to make public safety and tackling crime a priority. They plan to introduce common-sense policies that will be a key factor in holding criminals accountable, keeping drugs off the streets, and making our communities safe once again.

Many of you continue to be advocates for change, to improve the status quo. I think it’s time to encourage this group lead by Senator Jones to be our advocates for a major government overhaul.   

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Category: Business, Education, feature, Finances, Government, Health & Fitness, Homeless, Local News, Politics, School, Students, Transportation, Vehicles

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