What a Year!
Updates from Your Mission Hills Garden Club
By Ann Dahlkamp
It feels like we are all emerging from the worst of the Covid-19 fog, are seeing friends a bit more freely, and settling into a new normal. Our gardens have all appreciated the increased time and love, and the recent rains have greened up the neighborhood.
Ken Ralph and I began our term as co-presidents in July, taking over from past president Rebecca Long. We both live close to Presidio Park, in Old Town. (You don’t have to live in Mission Hills to belong to the club!)
2022 was a busy year for the Mission Hills Garden Club, and 2023 is shaping up to be even better. If you are not yet a member, we can fix that. You can join at our website, missionhillsgardenclub.org.
Early in the year, our monthly meetings covered fruit trees, a Kokedama planning workshop, planting with succulents, and our friends the bees. Our 24th Annual Garden Walk on May 7 reaped $20,000 in net income, allowing us to invest heavily in the community this past year. Just before the Garden Walk, we installed a new sign for Gecko Garden at Grant Elementary, after their former sign was destroyed. We also had social gatherings at members’ homes in both May and June, bringing together lots of members and their guests. We returned in the fall with a Halloween Pumpkin Planting Party at Mission Hills Nursery, which was enjoyed by a number of children as well as adults. Our annual pre-Thanksgiving potluck and presentation on winter gardening by Chuck McClung was a chance to see long-time friends and make new ones while learning new tips.
A long-time goal was to enhance the walkway down Juan Street in front of the golf course to replace the yellow caution tape that served as a barrier. The fencing is a wonderful way to mark property lines keeping people and bicyclist from wandering on to the golf course. The rustic appeal creates not only an unmistakable barrier but also provides open sight lines. You can see the improvement from the photos. The new fence, an investment from Garden Walk proceeds, ties to an existing fence along Mason Street that had been installed as an Eagle Scout project.
Another community need we were able to fill was replacing the splintering benches at the Pioneer Park tennis courts. Working with Parks & Recreation staff, we are now able to offer tennis players a safer and more comfortable experience. Check them out!
We’re currently working on the calendar for 2023. On February 25 we are partnering with several other local garden clubs for a Spring Seed Swap at Trolley Park. See our website for details. We started the year off with a Coffee in the Garden hosted by Scott Sandel and Jim Marich. Scott and David Kennedy gave a presentation on Bromeliads and their care. A great plant for our climate.
We are collaborating with artist and local resident Mark Fehlman and the Girl Scout troops from Francis Parker School to revitalize the Goldfinch Street mural on February 18 and 19. Originally painted about 12 years ago, the wall is a local landmark. We know it will be stunning again under Fehlman’s tutelage! If you would like to volunteer to help paint, email community@missionhillsgardenclub.org, or come by either Saturday or Sunday, February 18 and 19, between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.
During 2023 we will also be creating a pollinator garden at the pocket park on Falcon Street, north of Ft. Stockton. This jewel is a wonderful spot to enjoy the birds and view of the canyon. By encouraging and feeding butterflies we are hoping to improve the cultivation of all our plant species in the community.
This year marks our 25th Annual Garden Walk, chaired by long-time Garden Club board member Martha Pehl. She tells us it will be a “Walk to Remember,” so mark your calendar for Saturday, May 13 – Mother’s Day weekend, as always. Tickets will go on sale Wednesday, March 15, and will be sold by time slot again on our website.
We hope you will join us for the Garden Walk, one or more of our monthly programs, and as a member. Our website, MissionHillsGardenClub.org has all the details. Hope to see you soon!

Category: Education, Entertainment, Events, feature, Gardening, Life Style, Local News, Nonprofit, Plants, Sustainability