Tag: Mission Hills Garden Club

Mission Hills Garden Club Awards Merit Scholarships

| July 1, 2024 | 0 Comments
Mission Hills Garden Club Awards Merit Scholarships

The Mission Hills Garden Club has been awarding merit-based scholarships to community college students for over 20 years. This year the Mission Hills Garden Club invited the winning students to Mission Hills for their award. The award ceremony took place at the San Diego Art Institute on Falcon Street. Owner Alexander Salazar generously offered his gallery for this event.  […]

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Volunteers Refresh Mission Hills Landmark Mural

| June 8, 2023 | 0 Comments
Volunteers Refresh Mission Hills Landmark Mural

The iconic wall of flowers on Goldfinch Street has come alive again, thanks to the efforts of a team of community members.  Recognized landscape artist and Mission Hills resident Mark Fehlman conceived the rehab of the mural wall, spanning almost the full block between Sutter Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, as Goldfinch becomes Reynard Way.  Following his direction, […]

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What a Year! 

| February 5, 2023 | 0 Comments
<strong>What a Year! </strong>

Updates from Your Mission Hills Garden Club By Ann Dahlkamp It feels like we are all emerging from the worst of the Covid-19 fog, are seeing friends a bit more freely, and settling into a new normal.  Our gardens have all appreciated the increased time and love, and the recent rains have greened up the […]

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Winter Gardens with Chuck McClung

| December 3, 2022 | 0 Comments
Winter Gardens with Chuck McClung

At our final meeting in 2022, Chuck McClung, a gardener his entire life with a master in botany, gave a truly enlightening talk.  His focus was on what we can do in the winter with and for our gardens.  McClung began by saying how lucky we are to live in San Diego, and in Mission […]

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Companion Plants for Succulents

| May 1, 2022 | 0 Comments
Companion Plants for Succulents

In March, the Mission Hills Garden Club learned that many plants thrive amidst succulents.  Linda Bresler, a certified landscape designer, is truly an artist using living plants as her canvas.  In her talk, she gave us a host of types of plants with which to paint our yards. We learned that from early childhood, Bresler […]

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Tyler Trimble Presents Fruit Trees and Soil as a Living Thing

| March 5, 2022 | 0 Comments
Tyler Trimble Presents Fruit Trees and Soil as a Living Thing

In January, the Missions Hills Garden Club attended a Zoom presentation about back yard fruit trees given by Tyler Trimble, also known as Mr. Tree.  Trimble, a third-generation farmer, and his family live in Bonsall where his “home orchard is a food forest.”  Trimble’s talk focused on how to get maximum year-round production from your […]

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The Pleasures of Age

| October 31, 2021 | 0 Comments
The Pleasures of Age

For the past few years it seems that I devote one annual column to age.  Before this goes to press, I will turn 81.  I can honestly say that so far, this seems to be the best year of my life.  First, I survived the COVID isolation; in fact, I turned it into a huge […]

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Propagation of Bougainvillea

| October 4, 2021 | 0 Comments
Propagation of Bougainvillea

Some of you know that October is my birthday month. And, since we didn’t meet over the summer season, I decided to use this article to chat about what is currently of importance to me. In the late 1960s, San Diego State had climbing bougainvillea cascading down a hill to the parking lot just off […]

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Getting Those Orchids to Bloom Again

| September 6, 2021 | 0 Comments
Getting Those Orchids to Bloom Again

In June, Chuck McClung spoke to the Garden Club about orchids.  Interested in gardens and gardening since early childhood, McClung received a master’s degree in botany from Washington State University and has worked in ecological and botanical research for several universities as well in commercial greenhouses and nurseries.  McClung explained he has over twenty years’ […]

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Connor Leone: How ECOLIFE Uses the Science of Aquaponics

| August 12, 2021 | 0 Comments
Connor Leone:  How ECOLIFE Uses the Science of Aquaponics

We know our planet has serious problems with climate change, habitat loss, species extinction, the inefficiency of global food systems that casts doubt on our ability to feed a growing world population, and challenges with obtaining enough water to meet the planet’s needs.  Based in Escondido, ECOLIFE Conservation is a non-profit organization with a mission […]

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