Tag: Mission Hills Garden Club

Creating a Visual Impression of a Garden

| April 5, 2012 | Comment Now!
Creating a Visual Impression of a Garden

Helen Shafer Garcia captured the Mission Hills Garden Club members’ attention at the February 29 meeting.  She is an artist, illustrator, teacher, gardener, and public speaker. Shafer Garcia’s diverse activities have included translating professional landscapers’ rough diagrams into a visual impression of what the garden will be when complete.  In addition to helping clients visualize, […]

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Mission Hills Garden Club’s Annual ‘Garden Walk,’ May 12

| April 3, 2012 | Comment Now!
Mission Hills Garden Club’s Annual ‘Garden Walk,’ May 12

The Mission Hills Garden Club, a non-profit organization that promotes good gardening practices and beautifying San Diego’s neighborhoods, invites horticulturalists-at-heart to the 2012 Garden Walk, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, May 12 for a self-guided tour of a dozen gardens in one of the city’s most beautiful neighborhoods. Gardens at each home were selected […]

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Creating a Bungalow Garden

| March 1, 2012 | 1 Comment
Creating a Bungalow Garden

John Beaudry spoke about the Craftsman Bungalow and its complementing garden at the January Mission Hills Garden Club meeting.  Beaudry began with an explanation of what the Arts and Crafts Movement was before segueing into the bungalow and garden. The Arts and Crafts Movement grew from a rebellion against the mechanization of the Industrial Revolution.  […]

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Easy Gardening Chores that Even I Might Do

| November 3, 2011 | 1 Comment

According to Tiger Palafox of the Mission Hills Nursery, November is a great time to do a multitude of things to spruce up your garden. He included labor-free and cost-effective ideas in his September talk to the Mission Hills Garden Club. Early November is the optimum time to plant cool weather crops. Lettuce, Swiss chard, […]

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Container Gardens of Succulent Succulents (pardon the pun)

| September 10, 2011 | 0 Comments
Container Gardens of Succulent Succulents (pardon the pun)

By Barb Strona Late last spring the Mission Hills Garden Club’s “Event” was to learn how to plant an attractive potted succulent garden. Debra Lee Baldwin, renowned succulent expert, first demonstrated how to plant using various pots and plants. Whether you begin with a particular pot you like or you begin with plants you like, […]

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