Tag: Mission Hills Garden Club

Raised Bed Gardening Options and Tips for Success

| July 3, 2021 | Comment Now!
Raised Bed Gardening Options and Tips for Success

In April, Eric Olsen spoke to the Mission Hills Garden Club.  Olsen, like Bill Toone, is with High Caliper Growing, based out of Oklahoma City.  Olsen has had seven years’ experience dealing with soils, plant sizes, plus how to raise plants in an organic and environmentally friendly pot which lends itself to raised bed gardening,  […]

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Horticultural History: Kate Sessions’ Lost and Found Gardens of Balboa Park

| April 5, 2021 | Comment Now!
Horticultural History: Kate Sessions’ Lost and Found Gardens of Balboa Park

This winter Nancy Carol Carter, club historian, spoke about three of Kate Sessions’ Gardens while giving us a healthy dose of Balboa Park’s history. The three gardens Kate authored for the Park are the Aloe and Agave Garden, the Cactus Garden and the San Jose Hester Palm Garden (or “grove,” Nancy says, “is more accurate.”) […]

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Mission Hills Garden Walk Set for May 8

| March 6, 2021 | Comment Now!
Mission Hills Garden Walk Set for May 8

The 23rd Annual Mission Hills Garden Club is scheduled for 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday May 8.  Titled, Where Flowers Bloom, So Does Hope, will again be held on the Saturday of Mother’s Day weekend. The theme, incorporating a phrase attributed to Lady Bird Johnson, is fitting to the beginning of emergence from the […]

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Bill Toone and the Monarch Butterfly

| January 10, 2021 | Comment Now!
Bill Toone and the Monarch Butterfly

Bill Toone spoke via Zoom to the Garden Club in November.  While earning a master’s degree in biology from University of California, Toone began studying the California condors.  He was hired by Zoological Society of San Diego and became part of the federally mandated California Condor Recovery Team.  His attention was diverted to butterflies when […]

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Autumn Chores

| November 15, 2020 | Comment Now!
Autumn Chores

Spring is not the only time for cleaning; for my family, autumn is more important to take stock.  We face fire danger, some flood danger, and maintenance is really important before the appearance of fire or rainy seasons appear. Much of San Diego’s beauty is due to the lush canyons throughout many of its neighborhoods.  […]

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Parrot Talk

| September 9, 2020 | Comment Now!
Parrot Talk

Every so often, or if you live in some parts of San Diego, you will hear loud squawking.  If you look up, you will see a hoard of different kinds of parrots.  To shed light on what they are, why they are here, and what their future might be, Sarah Mansfield of SoCal Parrot spoke […]

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Super Bloom 2019 Wildflower Tour with Jim Bishop

| August 7, 2020 | Comment Now!
Super Bloom 2019 Wildflower Tour with Jim Bishop

In June the Mission Hills Garden Club met via Zoom.  Jim Bishop, engineer by education, landscaper by choice, and president of many important garden and horticultural groups, showed his magnificent slides from some of the 25 trips he and his partner Scott Borden took to see the spectacular display of wildflowers in San Diego County […]

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Zooming Blooms

| July 6, 2020 | Comment Now!
Zooming Blooms

With most of San Diego being home bound and/or restricted with meeting, April and May’s meetings were different.  We did meet via Zoom.  Zoom, as you may know, allows people to join the same meeting in a somewhat controlled setting.  Our children are using it for classes, and businesses are using it to continue to […]

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Presidio Park Restoration Efforts

| June 8, 2020 | Comment Now!
Presidio Park Restoration Efforts

If you drive, walk or bike through Presidio Park, you’ve probably noticed that there is an ongoing plant restoration project taking place.  Thanks to a lot of people from Mission Hills and the City of San Diego’s Park and Recreation Department, progress is occurring. At the intersection of Presidio Drive and Jackson Street, at the […]

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Staghorn Ferns

| June 8, 2020 | Comment Now!
Staghorn Ferns

Lynn Walker-Beveridge gave the Mission Hills Garden Club a practical and interesting approach to staghorn ferns.  She began her talk with the basics giving us specific and easy to follow instructions on propagating and nourishing staghorn ferns. Walker-Beveridge began by showing us several plants that Martha Pehl had grown.  They ranged in age from two […]

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