Mission Hills BID Asks for Community Feedback on Reynard Way

| June 4, 2018 | Comment Now!

Reynard Way is the subject of a survey for the communities’ feedback.

Three years ago, the Mission Hills BID Design Committee and the Mission Hills Parking Advisory Committee began discussing the Reynard Way area. About the same time, the Mission Hills Town Council formed a Reynard Way Ad Hoc Committee and invited residents and business owners to Saturday morning meetings, which included Reynard Way walk-abouts.

In 2017, the Mission Hills Parking Advisory Committee proposed a Reynard Way parking and alternative transportation modalities study. The Uptown Community Parking District approved funding for this study. An RFP was issued and it received five responses. KTU+A was awarded the contract.

The Reynard Way Parking and Alternative Transportation Modalities Study began in July 2017 and on September 23, 2107 a morning community kick-off was held at The Frame Maker. Initial drawings where shared. Feedback was solicited. On February 28, 2018 an afternoon community update meeting was held at The Frame Maker to share study progress and solicit feedback. And, on May 2, 2018 an evening community update meeting was held at Mission Hills Methodist Church where the latest study information was shared and feedback was solicited.

Although not all in attendance support every element of the study, most want options which would have the potential to yield additional parking spaces; create a calm and safer walking and bicycling environment, and include elements for place making.

The Mission Hills BID is interested in hearing your ideas on the Reynard Way Parking and Alternative Transportation Modalities Study. You are invited to view the study online and allow a couple more minutes to take the Survey at: http://bit.ly/reynard-study.

Reynard Way Parking and Transportation Modalities Study Survey

  1. Have you attended a Reynard Way Parking and Transportation Modalities Study Community Outreach Meeting? Yes/No
  2. Do you use the Reynard Way corridor for daily commutes, weekly special trips, once a month, rarely?  Please choose one.
  3. Are you aware of parking problems on Reynard Way? Yes/No
  4. Do you feel the speeds on Reynard Way are too great for the safety of residents, business owners, employees, or shoppers?  Yes/No
  5. Do you feel that residences and businesses along Reynard Way need additional parking? Yes/No
  6. On Reynard Way there are very few mid-block crosswalks. Would you support additional crosswalks at the following cross streets?





Pedestrian stairs south of the southern-most Eagle Street



None of the Above

  1. Do you think it is a good idea to paint marked locations on Reynard Way that provide a person parking a vehicle a better idea of the proper space to leave between parked vehicles? Yes/No
  2. Do you support increasing the potential number of parking spaces on Reynard Way? Yes/No
  3. Would you support adding angled parking along Reynard Way? Yes/No

Please review the Existing Conditions, below, as well as the following two design options, Option 1 or Option 2, for Reynard Way:

Option 1 Description:

Along Reynard Way from the intersections of North Eagle to South Eagle are median based parking with bike lanes on the outside curb edge and various crosswalks to get from the median to the walkways. This option includes raised speed tables with pedestrian flashers at North Eagle, crosswalks with a three way stop sign at Redwood and another speed table with pedestrian flashers at South Eagle. All are designed to slow traffic in this area. Traffic calming measures may also include lighting and safety elements.

Option 2 Description:

Along Reynard Way angled parking will be implemented on the east side of the street between North Eagle and South Eagle. Parallel parking on the west side of Reynard Way allows for a dedicated northbound bike lane and southbound “sharrows”. Bulb-outs and crosswalks will be incorporated to encourage pedestrian safety.

10a. If cost was not a factor, which above option do you prefer, option 1 or 2

10b. Please provide a brief explanation for your preference between option 1 or option 2.

  1. Would you like to be contacted by e-mail for upcoming Reynard Way meetings? Yes/No
  2. Please provide any additional comments, compliments or concerns.

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