Mission Hills Summer and Beyond
By J. Daniel Geddis, President, Mission Hills BID and owner of Team D&B at One Mission Realty
This may be odd for a native San Diegan to say, but I’m more of a fall and winter kind of guy. That being said, there are aspects of summer in San Diego, you just can’t find in any other season; the sunshine lasts longer, I can wear shorts & flip flops, and ice cream is a completely justified way to keep cool. And, thankfully, in Mission Hills we have plenty of professionals to help us achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle and fit appearance. It’s the everyday things that bring true joy to our lives.
One of the many summer opportunities for our business community continue to be Concerts in the Park, where Mission Hills business owners may serve as financial backers and sponsors. The summer concert series provide a unique opportunity for Mission Hills businesses to give back to the residential community through concert sponsorships. Each summer neighbors and friends bring blankets and picnic baskets, sing and dance, and catch up on neighborhood happenings. Thank you to Hailey and Merritte Powell owners of La Puerta Mission Hills for again being the Concerts in the Park Title Sponsor and also thank you to Lazy Acres, Mission Hills Financial, Mission Hills Nursery, Fort Oak, Cardellino, and Safdie Rabines Architects for their continuing generous sponsorship support for this beloved Mission Hills tradition.
As tradition would have it, during the month of August our city and neighborhood fill with family, friends, and vacationers. Our college-aged family members are capturing the last days of rays perfect for tanning before returning to their academic pursuits. Summer days are more casual. Windows and doors are left open. Our little ones are running about. Remember to protect your loved ones and your belongings, even if you only plan to step away for a minute, by taking an extra minute to close and lock your windows and door, including your garage doors.
And, speaking of family and little ones, we have been peeking through covered windows to watch the interior renovation progress underway at Moon & Sun, 1615 West Lewis, by new owner Karen Berry. Berry recently shared with us her many years of involvement as a financial backer of several Mission Hills businesses. Her daughter-in-law, Bree Senescall, mother of Olivia (age four) and Claire (age two) will be at the helm of Moon & Sun, which is slated to re-open at the end of summer 2023, just in time for back to school clothing and supplies. We wish every success to Bree and her team.
It is never too early to save-the-date for the 11th Annual Taste of Mission Hills taking place on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Whether it is a date night, special occasion or a group get together, please add Taste of Mission Hills’ delicious event to your calendar. Beginning in September, tickets will be available online at Eventbrite, and at a few locations throughout the neighborhood. Last year’s Taste sold-out. This year we will again limit sales to 600 tickets. The advance price for a ticket will be $40, with day-of- tickets for sale at $45 per ticket. In last month’s column we quoted 2022 prices, for which we apologize. All tickets include three free Taste Trolleys from area parking spaces to all participating venues. We are able to keep prices low due to the generous Title Sponsorship from US Bank and Trolley Sponsorships from A Designed Space, Harley Gray Kitchen & Bar and La Puerta. Remember Mission Hills BID includes businesses on India Street, West Lewis Street, Goldfinch, Ft. Stockton and West Washington, plus a number of side streets, making trolley service the best way to reach all of the Taste venues in one evening. I encourage you to visit MissionHillsBID.com/taste for informational updates.
There are many different ways to learn more about the Mission Hills BID, its meetings and activities, including our website: MissionHillsBID.com, Facebook: MissionHillsBID, Instagram: @MissionHillsSD, and X (formerly known as Twitter…RIP little bird!): @MissionHillsSD. And, beginning this month, also find us on Threads @MissionHillsSD, the newest social media platform by Meta. If you love our Mission Hills business neighborhood and have ideas and time to help promote it, the Mission Hills BID needs you. Please contact us at MissionHillsBID@gmail.com.
We are thankful to every owner who has chosen to locate their business in Mission Hills. To those who patronize our local businesses, we thank you too. Please invite your family and friends to join you in Mission Hills to embrace all we have to offer this summer and beyond.

Category: Business, Entertainment, Events, Food, Local News, Nonprofit, Restaurants