Tag: Ilene Hubbs

Watching Over Me

| February 6, 2017 | Comment Now!

February, the love month, and just who do I love? Lately my six-year old granddaughter Mila is leading the pack. How can I not love her best when she answers questions like this: Me: “I have not seen you in a month, do you still remember me?” Her: “Of course I remember you, you’re my […]

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Losing Bradley

| January 10, 2017 | Comment Now!

I will always think of 2016 as the worst year in my life. This is the year I lost my child, Bradley. Yes, he was a grown man, balding and starting to show some wrinkles, but I saw none of that. To me he was always my child, my first born. He is what made […]

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Let There Be Light

| August 2, 2016 | Comment Now!

It all started with a dream. He was a music lover and a talented composer, whose Masters degree was in music composition. But sometimes life gets in the way. First a marriage, then children and the dream of a music career turns into the practicality of staying with a business that is growing and growing, […]

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Explaining It All

| May 30, 2016 | Comment Now!

I live across the street from Balboa Park. Most mornings when I wake up and look outside I see homeless souls still sleeping or just waking up to spend the day foraging for cans, bottles and whatever can get them through the day. My grandkids, ages five and 12 often stay with me and are […]

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Staying Down

| March 9, 2016 | Comment Now!

The handsome and very young doctor at urgent care stood before me and in a serious tone proclaimed that with a dual diagnosis of flu and pneumonia, combined with my age, it was imperative that I stay down, drink plenty of fluids and basically rest for at least a week. After that my regular doctor […]

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Let There Be Light

| February 2, 2016 | Comment Now!

It all started with a dream. He was a music lover and a talented composer, whose Masters degree was in music composition. But sometimes life gets in the way. First a marriage, then children and the dream of a music career turns into the practicality of staying with a small business that is growing and […]

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A Glass of “Wooder” Please

| June 3, 2015 | Comment Now!

I laughed when she ordered a glass of “wooder” and the waitress had no clue as to what she was saying. Her thick South Jersey accent was so foreign to our San Diego born and bred server that she sounded like she was speaking a different language. I have been here 38 years and had […]

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And the Show Goes On

| April 6, 2015 | Comment Now!

Props went missing, the lighting person can’t do it anymore, the backdrop was inadvertently taken down, rolled up and stuck in an office…and now the lead has lost his voice. Problems? Yes. But to this troupe of seniors putting on “Guy and Dolls” these challenges were just what the doctor ordered. It seems that research […]

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Kids and Climbs and Happy Hour Too

| February 3, 2015 | Comment Now!

February is supposed to be a slow month. The holidays are long past and summer is far away, but our temperate climate lets us forget we are in the throes of winter. So this might be a good time to share my recent discoveries with all of you readers. If you have not had the […]

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Around The Table

| January 6, 2015 | Comment Now!

Having a December birthday means I do not have to speak out loud my newest age until the last two weeks of the year. Well now it’s January and the birthday has come and gone. It’s not a milestone birthday, but I am at an age where all birthdays are significant. To mark another year […]

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