Tag: Ilene Hubbs
Giving Up and Giving In
After years of fighting, I’ve given in and become one of them. I’m tired of being made fun of. I’m tired of all the raised eyebrows and the questions when friends saw my phone. People kept asking how I take photos and my answer seemed to dumbfound them, “with my camera” was always my quick […]
Drug Free

I have put up with the aches and pains for years, plus odd tingling sensations in my hands and feet as well. It’s just one of those things that comes with aging I thought, nothing I can do about it. I start out every morning with my stretching exercises. That seems to help a little […]
Mo`olelo Receives Honors

Executive Director Earns Grant For the last several years, my friend and business associate, Ilene Hubbs, has been singing the praises of Seema Sueko, the co-founder and executive artistic director of the Award-winning Mo`olelo Performing Arts Company. Recently, Hubbs and I met to discuss Mo’olelo and what it has accomplished as a young theatre company. […]
Lost in Translation
It was time to leave New York City for the airport. We ordered our taxi very early because it was St. Patrick’s Day and the parade was causing major gridlock in the city. Our driver assured us it was an established upfront fee and the meter would not be on. Settling into the back seat, […]
The Hidden Minority
We’ve always been aware of what constitutes a minority. In fact the dictionary defines it as “a group of people, within a society, whose members have different ethnic, racial, national, religious, sexual, political, linguistic, or other characteristics from the rest of society.” Lately, due to the political climate, the most newsworthy minority is the one […]
Nice Chatting With You
My phone rang and the name appeared showing me who was calling. I was 3,000 miles from home vacationing with a friend at the Jersey shore. I hoped this was not an emergency. The voice on the other end was a good friend inquiring if my sister is okay. I had no idea what she […]
Bravo Mo`olelo

By Ilene Hubbs I hope most readers are aware of an innovative socially conscious theater that is getting rave reviews for their performances. Mo`olelo Performing Arts Company has been around since 2004 playing at various venues, including the first theater to be chosen as the inaugural resident theater company at La Jolla Playhouse. Now Mo`olelo […]