Tag: Ilene Hubbs
Italy For Six
I was so envious when my friend in North Carolina described her upcoming trip. She was about to spend two weeks in a villa in Tuscany with five other women friends. They were going to rent two cars and tour the Tuscan countryside. Think of me, I pleaded, the next time you plan a trip […]
I’m Done
My first close friend Sheila was always a difficult person. During high school and college we managed to stay close and because we had this long history I tended to overlook these imperfections. After college she moved to Chicago and our lives went in different directions. She never married and worked from graduation until retirement […]
Precious Days in New York
by Ilene Hubbs The trip to New York City was just going to be a solo getaway, four days on my own to soak up the theater and culture of one of my favorite cities in the world. I planned to see a play or two, get in as many museums as I could and […]
Reversing the Panic
The phone rang at 3 a.m. waking me from a sound sleep. It was my sister and the panic in her voice was alarming, “You need to come over immediately, it’s an emergency.” My sister has Multiple Sclerosis and is paralyzed from the waist down. She had caregivers during the day and at night, after […]
That Perfect Gift
The holidays are here, each year a little earlier, each year a little more frantic. The holiday music started hitting the stores in early November and I’ve already seen houses decorated in my neighborhood. But this year frantic hits a new high (or low). It’s bad enough that Black Friday has become de rigueur, but […]
Ask for the Senior Discount When Robbing Banks
Watching the news recently, I heard one of the newscasters refer to a bank robber as an elderly gentleman. Later in the broadcast he said the bank was robbed by a 68 year old man wearing a mask. Whoa, I thought, wait a minute, 68 is considered elderly? I’m in that age group, I never […]
Girls and Boys and all Their Toys

As the mother of two sons I watched how my boys played and thought nothing of it. Although I did not see them gravitate toward dolls or dishes, I thought they must be playing the same as girls only using different toys. Instead of dolls they had G.I. Joe and action figures, instead of […]
Thank You Mr. President
The President of the United States went on television to publicly attest to his feelings of what it is like to be a black man in America. Whatever your politics, you must admit this is a brave thing to do. It’s been my impression that President Obama wants us to think of him as a […]
Tell a Nurse You Care
My sister is always saying how grateful she is that the Multiple Sclerosis that attacks her body does not give her bouts of pain. Last week was an exception. Intense pain brought her to the doctor’s office where we were told it was probably best to go straight to the emergency room. I hesitated. Emergency […]
A New Year and a New Home
My landlords called and said they would like to meet with me in person. Not good, I thought. They could tell me on the phone if they were raising my rent or changing their minds about the new carpet. Wanting an in person meeting could only mean one thing, they are selling and I will […]