Tag: Mayor Bob Filner

The Subculture of Politics – No Longer Behind Closed Doors

| July 31, 2013 | Comment Now!

Though it appalls me to have to even consider writing on this subject, my gut instinct says it’s time to speak up. Over this past month, as citizens of the City of San Diego, we have had to face a serious reality, the actions of some of our elected officials are destroying our credibility. We […]

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In the Matter of Mayor Filner

| July 17, 2013 | Comment Now!

A statement by George Mitrovich 17 July 2013 It is with deep regret that I ask Bob Filner to step aside as mayor of San Diego. In calling for his resignation I am torn philosophically, because he and I share similar views on issues of social justice, too long denied to too many, but we […]

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Musings: San Diego & Syria

| July 1, 2013 | Comment Now!

Personal Note: The two issues that follow are not connected, for one is parochial and the other paramount, but in the mercurial nature of my mind these musings arose when I sat down to compose July’s column for the Sentinel: The Contretemps between Mayor Bob Filner and City Attorney Jan Goldsmith was wholly predictable. Why […]

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Bob Filner: Up to Now

| April 1, 2013 | Comment Now!

After last November’s election, Carl DeMaio, who lost to Bob Filner in the mayor’s race, held several press conferences to share with us what he thought needed to happen at City Hall and how he would monitor Mr. Filner’s tenure in office, even if that had yet to occur. I suggested on Facebook Mr. DeMaio’s […]

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