In the Matter of Mayor Filner

| July 17, 2013 | Comment Now!

A statement by George Mitrovich

17 July 2013

It is with deep regret that I ask Bob Filner to step aside as mayor of San Diego.

In calling for his resignation I am torn philosophically, because he and I share similar views on issues of social justice, too long denied to too many, but we have reached an impasse in the state of our governance due to the mayor’s intractable problems; which arise, not from his politics but his personality.

In our system of jurisprudence we do not indict by proxy, but allegations of sexual harassment leveled at the mayor, even by persons unknown, cannot be ignored; nor can the mayor’s demeaning conduct toward others, the citations of which are too numerous to be dismissed.

When I endorsed Bob Filner for mayor, I did so persuaded in principle he would become an enlightened leader for San Diego; in that judgment I erred.

I take no pleasure in other people’s pain, whatever its cause, however unfair its manifestation, least of all someone I have known more than 30-years, but this isn’t about friendship, it’s about our city – and while I as a person of faith love Bob Filner as a human being, I love San Diego more.

The city needs a new beginning, and Bob Filner needs the personal help he himself acknowledges.

Tragically, we can’t have one without the other.

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