I Love More When I Love Me More

| March 3, 2020 | Comment Now!

If you’re familiar with the phrase, “You can’t pour from an empty cup,” then you understand the reasoning behind caring for yourself first — you have to be whole to be helpful. These days, people are busier than ever, and when you have a spouse, relatives, coworkers, friends and children in the mix, your responsibilities to others can make you feel pulled in many directions. And while it may seem like giving everything you have to everyone around you is the answer to keeping those in your life happy, it’s actually the opposite that can truly fill everybody up. Invest in yourself first. 

You have to love yourself to be able to give maximum love to others. It’s a simple concept. The better I feel about me; the better I feel about life. The more I love me, the more love I can give. I love more when I love me more. Let’s face it; no one is harder on you, than you.

This is a universal truth.  We are always trying to measure up: to work pressure, to internet and magazine images, or, what we think others think about us, and to what we think about ourselves. Be that our looks, hair, height, weight, age; name it, we beat ourselves down about it. All of our cups are in fact half full, yet, we usually look at them as half empty.

Come on, you know it’s true, and you do it too. What we think about ourselves impacts how we connect and how we love.

This month at Fitness Together, we’re focused on finding the “Strength to Succeed” in life, at work, at love. This means giving yourself all the tools you need to feel good, including proper self-care. We’re of the mindset that a well cared for human being, who is healthy and feels good in their own skin, is in the right position to serve others when they are the very best version of themselves.

How do you do it? Focus on treating yourself kindly and being as healthy as you can through the following three ways.

Make time for fitness, and invest in your workouts. 

Working out is not selfish. When you improve your health, mobility, energy and overall fitness through regular workouts, you are better able to show up for the people in your life. You feel stronger and more confident. A fit and functioning person who can tackle what life brings is much preferable to a tired and sedentary person who isn’t ever up for a challenge. If you want to be able to play with your grandchildren, take a bike ride with your friend, or join a recreational softball league with your coworkers, you need to make sure your body is able and strong through participating in a regular exercise routine. Every one around you benefits when you are your strongest and fittest self.

Choose healthy food, and invest in high-quality nutrition.

Grabbing fast foodin the car on the way to work is not doing you or anyone around you any favors. When you don’t eat properly, your energy level and mood are bound to suffer — and that’s likely going to be apparent to those around you too. Instead, fueling up on whole foods, healthy fats, fruits, veggies, complex carbs and lean proteins can make you feel great.

It’s a worthy investment to grocery shop for the right foods, prepare them at home and eat when you’re hungry. When you’ve given your body the right amount of calories from the best kind of food you can get your hands on, you’ll be glowing, energized and well positioned to be there for others in your life. And you may even inspire others to eat healthier food too.

Prioritize your well being, and invest in your self-care.

While we understand that it’s not always possible to get a massage, meditate, take a bubble bath, and make perfect healthy choices every single day, we do know that every little bit helps. That’s why you should make it a point to schedule time regularly to do something that recharges you. In fact, if you give yourself at least five minutes a day to either enjoy peace and quiet via a morning meditation or devotional, to hitting the gym, cooking a delicious meal, seeing an acupuncturist, going on a nature walk or applying your favorite facial mask, you are telling yourself that you are worth it — and that means a lot. People who spend time caring for themselves properly are said to be happier, more confident, more energetic and overall stronger people, who tend to share that positivity with those around them too — ultimately benefiting everyone. 

One of the common themes in fitness is the “feel good” outcome. Momentum builds as we get fitter. Our nutrition choices improve along therewith. All of which combine to give us the “feel good” result. When you feel, and are strong and svelte, all of those little things you beat yourself up over tend to diminish. And, it is a continuum, in that the more you live the fitness lifestyle, the better you eat, the less you drink, the better you sleep, the less you fret, the more you love, and ultimately, the happier you are. Your life attitude gets a big upswing. Everything in life, looks, feels, and is better when you are toned, fit and healthy.

Remember, you are the only person who has to live with you and your choices every single minute of every single day, matter big time.So never underestimate the power of caring for yourself in the right way. And if you do, you will definitely have the strength to succeed.

Fitness Together Mission Hills offers personal training with qualified professionals by regular appointment in private suites. Exercise and nutritional programs are custom designed to fit your needs and abilities. Call (619) 794-0014 for more information or to schedule a free fitness diagnostic and private training session. See what others are saying about us on Yelp.

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