Best Indoor Cardio Workouts to Do Without a Treadmill

| March 5, 2018 | Comment Now!

Of course, a good weight-lifting session is always something that people love to do when hitting the gym, but in order to have the best overall health, it is important to add some cardio in as well.

Studies show that overweight and obese people who begin exercise programs that involve both cardio and weight training lose more weight after 12 weeks than programs that are either only cardio or only weight training.

However, seeing as it is the middle of winter, it can be difficult to get a good amount of cardio in without getting bored. Few want to go out for a run and sometimes it is hard to do anything outside when it is cold.

Weather limitations may make you feel like you have to hit the treadmill, which can be really boring for a lot of people. However, there are other ways to knock out some great cardio at the gym without having to slave away on the treadmill.

Here are six indoor workouts that will increase your heart rate, burn calories, and pump up your muscles.

1. Rowing Machine

Rowing machines haven’t always been as popular as they are now. People used to overlook them for other machines at the gym, but they are now becoming one of the more popular exercises to do.
The rowing machine provides a great workout that challenges your upper body muscles, cardiovascular system, and legs, giving you a complete body workout.

To get a great workout:
1. Warm up by rowing for 200 meters at a moderate pace.
2. Row for 250 meters at 70 percent effort before resting two to three times as long as your interval lasted. For example, if rowing 250 meters takes you one minute, your rest period would then be between two and three minutes.
3. Do this six times.

2. Airdyne Bike

If your gym has an Airdyne bike that involves both your arms and legs, use it! This will help work your quads, hamstrings, and glutes with more resistance while also using your arms to improve your cardio conditioning.

To do this:
1. Pedal with only your arms for 10 calories, then immediately do the same with your legs, and then pedal 10 calories with your entire body.
2. Rest for 90 seconds.
3. Repeat this five times.

3. Barbell Complex Cardio Workout

This intense workout is for guys who really dislike using cardio equipment. Start with 95 pounds on the bar, and then adjust the weight depending on your fitness level. You will complete the full circuit without rest, going straight from one exercise to the next.

How to do this:
1. Do 15 front squats, 15 shoulder presses, 15 bent-over rows, and finally, 15 Romanian deadlifts.
2. Rest for two minutes.
3. Do five to eight rounds total.

4. Body Weight Circuit Indoor Cardio Workout

These are great for increasing your heart rate and getting a complete body workout. The intensity can be modified to fit your fitness level. This workout can also be customized for people who have upper or lower body joint issues by swapping out a few of these exercises for some that are lower impact. For example, you can switch burpees out for boxing if you have knee problems.

1. Do 20 bodyweight squats, 20 jumping jacks, 20 burpees, 20 pushups, and 20 mountain climbers.
2. Rest for two minutes.
3. Do between five and eight rounds total.

5. Versa Climber Indoor Workout

This machine simulates what it feels like to climb a mountain. They are known for giving a great cardio workout and they challenge the muscles in your upper and lower body.

Here is a great example of a workout:
1. Go for 45 seconds, and then rest for 45 seconds.
2. Go for 50 seconds, then for 50 seconds.
3. Go for 55 seconds, then for 55 seconds.
4. Go for one minute, and then rest for one minute.
5. Go for another minute, and then rest for 45 seconds.
6. Go for 55 seconds, and then rest for 50 seconds.
7. Go for 50 seconds, and then rest for 55 seconds.
8. Go for 45 seconds, and then rest for one minute.
9. Rest for three minutes before starting round two. Do three rounds altogether.

6. Cardio Boxing and Conditioning

This intense workout gives full-body benefits. Boxing helps condition the entire body and gives your cardiovascular system a complete workout while also increasing your stamina, strength, coordination, and speed.

This is a great workout for people who need stress relief or people who are looking for cross training ideas. This is a versatile and enjoyable workout. You can adjust how intense your workout is, depending on your fitness level. Here is a great combination to get you started:
1. Do shadow boxing for three minutes. This boxing move is done with a bent arm and a rapid rotation of the hips and core.
2. Do a 3-minute lateral shuffle.
3. Jump rope for 3 minutes.
4. Rest for up to three minutes and complete three rounds total.

Fitness Together Mission Hills offers personal training with qualified professionals by regular appointment in private suites. Exercise and nutritional programs are custom designed to fit your needs and abilities. Call (619) 794-0014 for more information or to schedule a free fitness diagnostic and private training session. See what others are saying about us on Yelp.

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