Blinded by the Dark
Green Manor Residents Face a Stark Reality

Residents of Mission Hills Green Manor recently met with Patty Ducey-Brooks to share their concerns about the new development facing the east side of their property.
Everyday we are faced with the cruel reality of life and the unexpected challenges we are faced to deal with. Hurricane Harvey is a vivid reminder that life can change overnight without any recourse. Some of us have family, friends and business associates who reside there and feel serious lack of control. It’s very scary.
It’s also scary when you have lived in a senior apartment in Mission Hills and suddenly your view of the world on a daily basis changes dramatically. The sunlight that used to enter your apartment has suddenly been darkened (like the recent eclipse). Yet, this light won’t return.
That’s exactly what the residents residing on the east side of Green Manor Senior Apartments are experiencing. They are sad and disheartened.
They can’t move. This was meant to be there forever home. Some of them are even room bound because of serious physical disabilities. Dark is their new reality.
What’s more unfortunate is that no one in the community really had a voice in what this property would bring to others. We all know that “every action leads to an effect.” The impact on the residents of Green Manor is quite alarming.
As residents of Green Manor shared with me, they had no prior knowledge of the height and proximity of this building, except a rumor that there would be a four-story building. Now they are told that the building will be eight stories high (103 feet). Construction has already reached the seventh floor and it now extends almost to the 11th floor of Green Manor.
They also told me that living at Green Manor has made them increasingly concerned and anxious since this new construction causes serious negative consequences. The most disturbing is that the new building is already seriously blocking sunlight and air movement to residents on the first seven floors, hence the health and wellbeing of every resident on the east side.
Everyone knows the detrimental effect on health from living in a dark and humid place. For the most vulnerable seniors, several of whom are in their nineties with limited activities, it becomes a severe health hazard.
I was asked by residents of Green Manor, how was this approved and is it legal.
They reminded me that there was a City plan limiting building height and that public hearings were required for buildings of this type. What they now know is that this building was designated a “ministerial” building because it will include three affordable units (whatever that means). So the developer has been able to avoid the required community meetings and input.
As I stated earlier, with every action (good or bad) there is a result/effect (good or bad). In this case, it’s not good.
After having several meetings with the residents of Green Manor, I am assisting them with creating dialogue with our elected officials who are creating a sense of “lack of control” and “lack of transparency” that the government claims to be promoting and supporting.
It certainly is not correct to endanger the health of citizens, especially low-income seniors whose health and sense of security are totally disrupted
If you looked in to the eyes of the residents, as I have, and seen their pleas for help, you would also feel a need to help.
For their benefit, we will appeal to government at the local, regional, state and federal level to look into decisions being made in San Diego, that hurt people – especially vulnerable people – in order to create more density.
As they shared with me, their quality of life has been diminished and they are uncertain of their future. Wouldn’t you feel the same?
Category: Local News