Hot Summer Nights
By Jamaal Jackson, President, Mission Hills BID
As I am writing this, the weather is hot and humid, and yet, I think we will agree that an August spent in San Diego is the best August on earth. With hot on our minds, following are some “hot” and worthy mentions.
Hot Event Save-the-Date: Each August the BID takes a break from its monthly meetings and puts planning for the Mission Hills BID’s signature fundraising event, the Annual Taste of Mission Hills, in high gear. This year’s TASTE is happening on Wednesday evening October 16, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Thanks to the generous Title Sponsorship of US Bank – Mission Hills, contracts are in the works for music and with Old Town Trolley transporting TASTE ticket holders to within steps of all participating venues. Will Call is scheduled at Lazy Acres in Mission Hills and the list of participating TASTE venues is growing with your longtime favorites returning with delicious TASTE offerings. Please stay tuned for updates in this column and at and on social @missionhillssd.
Hot Back-to-School Reminders: In Mission Hills our Grant TK-8 school resumes its classroom teaching and learning on August 12. As you are shopping for your children’s new back-to-school outfits and school supplies, please buy a few extra school supply items for children who are less fortunate. Drop off of school supply items is underway at the Mission Hills Library, 215 West Washington Street and will continue through August 25.
Hot Event Cool Vibe: The Summer Concerts in the Park, produced by the Mission Hills Town Council, are in full swing Friday nights beginning at 6 p.m. and allow our Mission Hills businesses the opportunity to participate as sponsors. Sponsorship opportunities begin at $100, allowing nearly everyone the opportunity to be a sponsor. Thank you, business owners. Thank you, Town Council.
Hot New Library Shop: In the 900 block of West Washington, the Library Shop is in the works with asbestos removal complete, HVAC repairs and ceiling tile replacement underway. Yup, the old library location will soon become a new shop, worthy of local patronage while attracting others to visit Mission Hills. A library shop is a carefully-curated gift shop offering literary goodies, great gifts for all ages including books, stationery, apparel, jewelry, and art. We have been assured that the Library Shop will open in time for holiday shopping.
As president of the Mission Hills Business Improvement District, I continue to be amazed by the stability of our businesses and the variety of marketing styles manifested through our businesses. Mission Hills is home to 110-year-old Powers Plumbing, El Indio Mexican Restaurant will turn 84 years old this month, and many others date back a few decades. Adding to the vibrancy of the business neighborhood are new businesses who are literally celebrating their six-month birthdays. I am pleased with the City of San Diego code compliance department’s support of our BID. One of the very special privileges the City of San Diego grants business within a BID is access to the Public Right-of-Way. Please allow me to elaborate.
In the Mission Hills BID there is a Public Right-Of-Way (PROW) program. The purpose of the PROW is to optimize the growth and income of businesses by allowing and encouraging the use of portions of the Public-Right-Of-Way between the curb and the adjacent property line, while maintaining ADA compliance. The PROW program promotes an environment that encourages pedestrian traffic and beautification of the streetscape. PROW programs are only allowed within the City of San Diego’s designated Business Improvement Districts. To learn more about the Mission Hills PROW program, visit the Mission Hills BID website at where you will find an information booklet, the Mission Hills PROW Checklist and Mission Hills PROW Application. For additional questions pertaining to the Mission Hills PROW program, please contact Mission Hills BID executive director Susan McNeil Schreyer at
We are thankful to every owner who has chosen to locate their business in Mission Hills. To those who patronize our local businesses, we thank you too. Please invite your family and friends to join you in Mission Hills during these hot summer nights and days.

Category: Business, Donations, Events, Government, Local News, Nonprofit, Restaurants, Volunteers