Patty Ducey-Brooks

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Mother and Daughter on a Musical Mission

| April 30, 2012 | 0 Comments
Mother and Daughter on a Musical Mission

With the release of her new 13 original song CD in February 2012, singer and songwriter Jessica Lerner is emerging as a professional artist and performer. Alongside her on this journey is her mom and manager, “mommager,” Pamela Lerner, who reside in Bonita, Calif. Jessica realized her passion for music when she was five-years old. […]

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Vons – A Glimpse Ahead

| April 30, 2012 | 0 Comments
Vons – A Glimpse Ahead

Mother’s Day is on the horizon Vons, located at 515 W. Washington Street, opened with enthusiasm and lots of energy well over a month ago. Now the locals and guests have settled in to enjoy the new store and all that it has to offer. Some of Vons’ customers are enjoying the fact that the […]

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Mother’s Day Wishes

| April 30, 2012 | 0 Comments
Mother’s Day Wishes

As we look toward Mother’s Day, it’s obvious that this is the time of the year to thank our Moms for all they do. It’s also the time of the year when we ask our Moms what they want to do to celebrate Mother’s Day. Many of the Moms I’ve spoken to say that they […]

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A Mid-Century Modern Home Shows How Going Green be Luxurious

| April 30, 2012 | 2 Comments
A Mid-Century Modern Home Shows How Going Green be Luxurious

By Patty Ducey-Brooks If you travel around Mission Hills you will quickly realize that the community is quite diverse, in terms of architecture, style, history and tastes. Because of the interests, attitudes and backgrounds of the residents, it’s easy to understand the reason for this diversity. Mission Hills’ residents seek to identify themselves by the […]

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Small Business Owners Meet with Congresswoman Davis

| April 5, 2012 | 0 Comments
Small Business Owners Meet with Congresswoman Davis

Last month I was fortunate to attend a breakfast/coffee session with the board of the Mission Hills Business Improvement District (BID), which was held at the Red Door Restaurant on Washington Street in Mission Hills. When I arrived at the session, there was already a healthy conversation occurring. BID board members were seated around Congresswoman […]

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Uptown Planners’ New Board Member Grateful for Leadership Role

| April 3, 2012 | 0 Comments
Uptown Planners’ New Board Member Grateful for Leadership Role

This past month, the Uptown Planners held its annual election of board members. One of the individuals elected is Mission Hills’ resident, Joe Naskar, who was also recently elected to the Mission Hills Town Council and is serving as secretary. Naskar and I spoke briefly about his newest roles in the community and what it […]

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Constantly Reinventing Herself

| March 1, 2012 | 0 Comments
Constantly Reinventing Herself

It was a little over six years ago when I first got the opportunity to meet a San Diego based artist who impressed me in several ways. At the time of our meeting, Kirby Jean Kendrick of Mission Hills shared with me that she was a cancer survivor who developed an appreciation for art while […]

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Our Neighbor Eugene

| March 1, 2012 | 0 Comments

This past month an icon from our Mission Hills community was getting ready to celebrate his 100th birthday. Unfortunately, Eugene Price didn’t make it to the February 10, 2012 celebratory date. I was informed us his birthday and passing by neighbors who reminded me that the Mission Hills News, which preceded the Presidio Sentinel, had […]

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The Jewel of the City Awaits a Decision

| March 1, 2012 | 2 Comments
The Jewel of the City Awaits a Decision

Friends of Balboa Park reviewing options by Patty Ducey-Brooks Back in the July issue of the Presidio Sentinel, we introduced the proposed restoration of Plaza de Panama in Balboa Park with a pedestrian friendly environment.  The initial plan was to “polish” the jewel of San Diego for the 2015 Centennial of the Pacific-Panama Exposition. In […]

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San Diegan Wins Oldways’ Award

| December 31, 2011 | 0 Comments
San Diegan Wins Oldways’ Award

By Patty Ducey-Brooks Oldways, I’ve learned, has a mission regarding the future of food – about growing, processing, preparing, eating, drinking, and enjoying it. The founders of this organization agree that the “old ways” are sounder than the “new ways” for just about everything to do with what we consume, and discuss ways to advocate […]

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