Life Style
Life Offers Lots of Opportunities Beyond Our Wildest Dreams

Having been in the San Diego fashion industry for many years has provided me a great career and life journey. I used to produce and style shows in my teens. Then in my twenties the shows I produced always had a mix of adults and kids as models. It was a pleasure to work with […]
January is National Blood Donor Month

During the month of January, we are reminded by the American Red Cross to donate blood. That’s because, during this month, there is typically a short supply due to the holidays (vehicle accidents) and an increase in communicable illnesses. With that in mind, a family in North Carolina is forever grateful to the blood donors […]
Don’t Call “Amy” by Laura Walcher Well, I did. I called Amy. Sweetly, I thanked her for her consideration. She’d called to tell me that she could probably get me an appointment to have my car serviced; very appreciated, I’m a busy woman. In fact, I’d been so busy that I wound up..well, I couldn’t […]
How to Avoid Overeating During the Holidays
From Thanksgiving to New Year’s Eve, you are probably inundated with dinner parties and cocktail hours to celebrate the holidays. These events are a great time to be joyful with the people you love– but they can be a dangerous trap if you are trying to watch your weight. So how do you stick with […]
What Now?
No Really, What Now? by Laura Walcher Okay, so once again, in a week of unrelenting frustrations and challenges, I decided not to strangle Mr. Entitled. (“Fen” is his “real” name; our smart-aleck black poodle/bichon, who’s grown up to believe himself the emperor, tho’ he doesn’t even pay the mortgage.) So, he dips beneath a […]
Presidio Hills’ Neighbors Enjoy a Day of Friendship

This past September, residents of Presidio Hills, took time from their busy Sunday schedules to enjoy a day of bonding and sharing stories of living in Mission Hills. The Presidio Hills’ area includes residents of Altamirano, Cosoy, Marilouise, Presidio Drive and Arista. The event took place at the home of Patty Ducey-Brooks and Craig Kinshella. […]
Lament for a Computer

After 30-something years of using a computer for almost everything I write, I am now, with a horribly screwed up shoulder, trying to write on an iPad. I began my computer relationship with an Apple product, an SE. I was teaching Basic Skills at Mission Bay High School when the department chairman came into my office […]