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Super Bloom 2019 Wildflower Tour with Jim Bishop

| August 7, 2020 | Comment Now!
Super Bloom 2019 Wildflower Tour with Jim Bishop

In June the Mission Hills Garden Club met via Zoom.  Jim Bishop, engineer by education, landscaper by choice, and president of many important garden and horticultural groups, showed his magnificent slides from some of the 25 trips he and his partner Scott Borden took to see the spectacular display of wildflowers in San Diego County […]

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Turning Up the Intensity in Your Summer Fitness Routine

| August 4, 2020 | Comment Now!

As the heat waves of summer roll through, exercising (especially outdoors) can be quite challenging. When the barometer spikes up, it is a natural tendency to sideline your exercise routine and replace it with more cooling activities like lounging at the pool, shopping at an indoor mall or watching movies in an air conditioned home. […]

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Professional Interior Design Advice Goes Virtual

| July 6, 2020 | Comment Now!
Professional Interior Design Advice Goes Virtual

If you’re going stir-crazy observing all the flaws in your home or business during the pandemic, the American Society of Interior Designers’ (ASID) San Diego Chapter has a solution.  During the month of July members of the prestigious organization will conduct virtual appointments to discuss design dilemmas and offer advice during ASID’s first-ever Summer Fresh Up […]

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Nonprofit ‘Senior Center Without Walls’ Helps Local Family Stay Connected

| July 6, 2020 | Comment Now!
Nonprofit ‘Senior Center Without Walls’ Helps Local Family Stay Connected

By Simona Valanciute San Carlos resident Ed Robles is not someone who stays at home easily. Before California’s shelter-in-place orders went into effect, the 93-year-old World War II veteran was busy and active, filling his time with personal training sessions, coffee club and volunteering with San Diego’s Retired Senior Volunteer Patrol, where he won “Law Enforcement […]

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The Benefits of Grip Strength

| July 6, 2020 | Comment Now!

In middle-aged and elderly people, grip strength consistently predicts mortality risk from all causes, doing an even better job than blood pressure. In older people, grip strength predicts all-cause mortality even when controlling for disease status, inflammatory load, depression, nutritional status, and inactivity. Grip strength requires fitness and fitness is a disease and aging fighter. Poor grip strength […]

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Five Healthier Pantry Swaps You Can Make in June

| June 8, 2020 | Comment Now!

Spring is in waning full effect, but who’d know, given all of the rain of late. Hopefully, you’ve began the process of spring cleaning your home and life — and are nearing the end of that phase, but don’t forget the kitchen. One great place to do a final spring cleaning, prior to summer, is […]

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Fatherly Advice

| June 8, 2020 | Comment Now!
Fatherly Advice

For all of us who have had loving, caring and resourceful fathers in our lives, we know the loss we feel when they are no longer with us.  That void, no matter how recent or long ago it occurred, still seems to resonate in our lives.  However, somehow, Dad’s words of encouragement and fatherly advice […]

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Westerlay Orchids Reaches Half Way Mark on “100,000 Orchid Challenge”

| May 11, 2020 | Comment Now!
Westerlay Orchids Reaches Half Way Mark on “100,000 Orchid Challenge”

For the past several weeks Westerlay Orchids, a third generation, family owned business, has shown their appreciation and support for community members on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic by sending thousands of boxes of orchids.  The company has shipped 49,000 orchids thus far and is well on their way to accomplishing their “100,000 […]

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Social Isolation: Spotting the Signs and Opening Minds of Your Senior Loved Ones

| May 11, 2020 | Comment Now!
Social Isolation: Spotting the Signs and Opening Minds of Your Senior Loved Ones

By Simona Valanciute, San Diego Oasis If you’re the caretaker of a parent or other elderly relative, it can be challenging to convince your loved one to try something new. However, what you may perceive as stubbornness could be a sign they are experiencing social isolation, which poses serious risks to their health and wellbeing. Social distancing, […]

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| May 11, 2020 | Comment Now!

What To Do…When You Have Nothing To Do Look Around. It’s entirely possible that you have kept your favorite teen T-shirts out of …um, history. Devotion. Memories.  Love.  But, forget about it. I’ve already tested this.  Your unappreciative kids may already be plotting, knowing that, unlike us, keeping them won’t provide any enjoyment, use, or […]

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