Life Style
What Now? Me Me Me Me Me

Devoted readers, relax already. While it’s true that I was born in the Bronx, many, many years ago, and sooo many of you are interested in stuff like that, I can promise that I’ll never subject you to my thousand-page autobiography, as gripping a tale as it may be. Yet (brace yourselves), the highly-edited story […]
A Glass of “Wooder” Please
I laughed when she ordered a glass of “wooder” and the waitress had no clue as to what she was saying. Her thick South Jersey accent was so foreign to our San Diego born and bred server that she sounded like she was speaking a different language. I have been here 38 years and had […]
The Muse News

Living Artfully and With a Big Picture Are you living with your “big picture” in play every day? Recently, it was brought home to me that being constantly conscious of the legacy we are leaving as we live our daily lives is the secret to saying that final farewell with peace, joy and grace. Where […]
Personal TuneUp by Cath

5 Lessons It’s Okay to Avoid I admit thinking when I was younger that there would be a point in my life when lessons would end; when I got older and smarter, I guess I thought I entered a “cruise-along-phase” without much to learn. Well, so very incorrect as it turns out. I can now […]
Financial Planning for a Younger Spouse
I’ve worked with several couples with very different birthdates. This isn’t good or bad – as they say, the heart wants what it wants. Still, the financial planning considerations are a little different than for people who marry someone closer to their own age. So, here are five things to think about when a couple’s […]
… Only a Mother Can Love
There is something very unique about Mother´s Day because we all come from a mother, no exceptions. Some of us are also a mother. In addition to human children, we may consider our pets our children or feel motherly towards members of marginalized groups. Men can also nurture and care for their families in a […]
The Muse News

Living Artfully with Color Short of donning a red satin cape and running around the green grass in a spray of complementary colors shouting “Van Gogh forever!,” what can you do on a daily basis to add a little more color to your life? As you know I’m the World’s First Tetrachromat Artist (which means […]
Human TuneUp by Cath

5 Human Flaws You Can Live With and Still Be Just Fine Perhaps when we are younger and everything seems to be a crisis, including a broken finger nail, we are not ready to overlook our small flaws or imperfections. But as we move along life, perspective itself helps us see we can simply breathe and […]
Get a Second Opinion: An Input on the Impact of Diagnoses
by Mrs. Freud A book I am currently reading (by Prof. Dr. Pieter Duker) on the discussion of the severe impact of receiving a diagnosis of autism or ADHD and the risk of false-negative or false-positive diagnosis has reminded me of the severe impact just a diagnosis can have on a person. If one is […]
The God of Busy
by Cath DeStefano Hello, Tim. Nice to see you again; how are you? Busy! Hi Jan, haven’t seen you for a while; how are you? Busy. Elshan! What’s been happening? Oh, I am so busy! I swear this is the new mantra for us. We have turned busy into some sort of a god. I am […]