RSSLife Style


| June 4, 2018 | 1 Comment

Music Saves Here are all the things you can’t think about while you’re playing music: Did I pay my mortgage? I know I put the payment on automatic, but does it begin this month? Next month? Should I wear the floral skirt? Maybe basic black’s better. Are Syria’s wars ever going to end? Nope. Even […]

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Human TuneUp Column by Cath

| June 4, 2018 | 0 Comments
Human TuneUp Column by Cath

Summer Murals of Appreciation I came of age with the military when I sort of knew my uncles were in World War II but it never occurred to me to ask them what that was like for them. I remember somehow knowing not to ask. By the time I was waking up to an outside-of-Niles-Michigan […]

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Hanging Out in La La Land

| June 4, 2018 | 0 Comments
Hanging Out in La La Land

By Aubree Lynn, Stylist/Writer/Producer Back in November of 2016 I had the beautiful and talented actress, producer and entrepreneur, Tamera Mowry Housley, co-host of the Emmy winning talk show, “The Real,” take over my Instagram. Since then I had been asked if I wanted to go to the show to connect with the co-host and […]

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Human TuneUp Column by Cath

| May 11, 2018 | 0 Comments
Human TuneUp Column by Cath

Who knew!? Teacher Appreciation Week   I admit it. I didn’t know there is a week set aside to appreciate and honor teachers. Must be because I never had children that this slipped by me. Although I educated myself to be a high school teacher. But then I remember when I started thinking of the […]

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Human TuneUp Column by Cath

| April 2, 2018 | 0 Comments
Human TuneUp Column by Cath

Pace Thyself My writing teacher Ashley was suffering with cancer. We who loved her were barely able to consider the possibility of her not making it. One day, while her husband Rick went out to run some errands and breathe a bit, I sat with her and, when she asked, I began reading to her. […]

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How to Successfully Get Started on Your Own Quest to Fitness and HealthBy

| April 2, 2018 | 0 Comments

You know that you want to be ____ (enter any number of positive adjectives that are plaguing your mind at the moment: healthy, fit, strong, confident, muscular, thinner). Yet, it can be so hard to get started. How many cycles of “tomorrow’s the day” or “I’ll start on Monday” or “next month when things aren’t […]

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Human TuneUp Column by Cath

| March 5, 2018 | 0 Comments
Human TuneUp Column by Cath

Whispers and Shouts Here are the various answers I have recorded over time in response to the question: “What does your inner voice tell you?” Watch out! It acts as a warning system. Something in you says, “Pay attention.” This or that? Intuition is helpful in making decisions. You tune into body messages as you […]

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In the Life of a Stylist

| March 5, 2018 | 0 Comments
In the Life of a Stylist

Designer Territa Torres’ Las Vegas Fashion Week By Stylishly Aubree Lynn, Stylist/Producer/Writer Can’t top doing what you love in life? Well, I would like to introduce you to someone who fits the bill. I had the pleasure and honor of styling Fashion Week San Diego Designer Territa Torres’ look-book for Las Vegas Fashion Week this […]

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Around Town Valentine’s Day Offerings

| February 3, 2018 | 0 Comments
Around Town Valentine’s Day Offerings

As Valentine’s Day is an ideal time to show your love for your special companion, it’s also when you can share appreciation for a friend and family member. Here are some special offerings from several businesses located throughout San Diego. Sweet treats— Indulge your palette in some wine and chocolate tastings at Chi Chocot, a […]

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Human TuneUp Column

| February 3, 2018 | 0 Comments
Human TuneUp Column

by Cath A small act of love, you in? Since it’s love month, I welcome you to my act-of-love Heart Hoppers; they are 2” x 3.5” cards that are my version of spreading love around the world. Six different messages and oh are they magical?! Yes, they are. (photo of cards) They’re in 24 countries […]

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