Life Style
Kick Start Your Summer Body Now!
You may think this is funny given it is resolution time for most, as we enter this time of year. Rather than talk about your resolutions, I would rather focus you in now, on what your body will look like this summer. If you start chipping now, by the time it is here you will […]
Remembering Presidio Hills
Every once in a while something happens in our lives that we can call a “teaching moment.” That happened to me recently with a new neighbor. During this occurrence, I took the time to reflect on the past, and to re-experience living in the Presidio Hills neighborhood for 36 years. Where did the time go, […]
The No Excuse Zone
We’ve all heard of “time zones,” “slow speed zones,” “construction zones,” “no fly zones,” “school zones” and the like. Now let’s introduce ourselves to the “no excuse zone.” As you embark on a new month and a new quarter, you have an important choice to make. Are you going to jump on the train to […]
Putting a Stop to Middle-Age Spread
As you approach the 40 to 50 age groups it can be an exciting time of change, opportunity, prosperity and positive personal growth. Yet, at the same time, life can get complicated and busy as your family grows. You may find less time for you, finding yourself getting more involved in everything. Before you know […]
How “Old” Did You Say You Are?

Every day in my career, I help individuals set health and wellness goals that will help them as they age not only for the short-term but also for the long-term. Individuals that are transitioning into different stages of life; starting their careers in their 20s, parents raising their kid’s through elementary and high school, to […]
Maison en Provence in Mission Hills for 25 Years

This past month I received an email from Marielle Giai, one of the proprietors of Maison en Provence, located at 820 Fort Stockton Drive in Mission Hills. Marielle was sharing with me that 2021 marks the 25th year that she and her husband, Pascal, arrived in Mission Hills. And, though I have known them since […]
Five Healthy Lunch and Dinner Recipes Featuring Pumpkin

Nothing says Christmas like pumpkin, and the good news is that pumpkin is a nutrient-dense fruit well worthy of including in your meals. In addition to its pleasing taste, pumpkin contains valuable antioxidants to help protect your cells, beta-carotene to protect your eyesight and skin, as well as vitamins A and C to support your […]
Take Some Time to Take Care of Yourself
We’ve all been dealing with COVID-19 for several months now, and as cases begin to mount again, I’ve been thinking a lot about an interesting conversation I had with my oncologist. First, I have to say those are two words you never want to use together: “my oncologist.” Just about two years ago, I was […]
All About Hydration: Why You Should Drink More Water

Did you know that there’s something incredibly simple you can do each day to increase your mobility, improve your metabolism and digestion, better the appearance of your skin as well as help you to feel more energized? It’s proper hydration, folks. Hydration is the key to feeling great, staying well and giving your body what […]