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“Down Under” Natives

| August 2, 2011 | 0 Comments
“Down Under” Natives

Mo Price spoke to the Mission Hills Garden Club in June about Australian native plants that thrive in our Mediterranean climate. Mediterranean climates are found in a very small portion of our planet. They appear on the west coast of the continents in areas with little rain. The areas that are considered to be Mediterranean […]

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August – the “Reset Button” of the Year

| August 2, 2011 | 0 Comments
August – the “Reset Button” of the Year

When I was a child my visual image of the year was a circle where New Year was on the bottom and opposite on the top was August. It seemed to me that the middle of my endless seeming summers was the climax of the year which divided it into two halves. Whereas the mathematical […]

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Are you Eating Enough to Lose Weight?

| August 2, 2011 | 0 Comments
Are you Eating Enough to Lose Weight?

This seems like a ridiculous question to be asking, but in reality it is an important fact of healthy weight loss. For most of us, getting our heads around the notion of eating more to lose weight is a difficult concept to grasp. Eating healthy, eating light and eating often with a plan built around […]

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A Joyful Noise

| August 1, 2011 | 0 Comments
A Joyful Noise

Living in an urban area I have gotten used to the sounds of the city. Late night sirens and passing traffic are all part of my daily noise. When my friend Pat invited me to spend a weekend with her and another friend at her mountain retreat I was delighted, a sojourn into the world […]

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Picnic Adventures

| July 19, 2011 | 0 Comments
Picnic Adventures

The word picnic always conjures up fun and adventure for me. In my childhood, our family summered at Lake Tahoe and we enjoyed yearly family reunions on the granite sands of Nevada State Beach. There used to be an old log pavilion there and ten or so families gathered for a day of swimming, games […]

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Simple Steps to Increase Your Burn

| July 15, 2011 | 0 Comments
Simple Steps to Increase Your Burn

The meal that kick starts your day that should be the highest calorie meal of your day is BREAKFAST. I know, you don’t have time, you never have eaten breakfast, you hate eggs, you’re not hungry, you’re a grab n go coffee type. I get it. But start somewhere. Your body as it slept last […]

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Confessions of a Restaurant Addict

| July 15, 2011 | 0 Comments
Confessions of a Restaurant Addict

I used to live in the suburbs, not far from SDSU, where there were few decent restaurants to choose from whenever I felt like going out to eat. There were the usual well known chains, a good deli and a very good seafood place. But that was about it. So unless it was an occasion […]

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What if?

| July 14, 2011 | 0 Comments
What if?

In case you hadn’t noticed, our world is changing. In the past several months, I have noticed and experienced a growing effort by many individuals to be actively involved in moving the world to a new place. I am seeing this in the educational system, where educators, students and parents are saying that the current […]

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A Slew of Strew

| July 8, 2011 | 0 Comments
A Slew of Strew

Aromatic herbs have a long traditional of use for good housekeeping.  Today we see the remnants of this in some of the well-recognized cleaning products such as Pine-sol and Orange Oil cleaners that take advantage of the antiseptic properties of the plant extracts. Many homes still contain bowls of colorful and fragrant, dried blossom potpourri […]

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Summers New Rears Resolution Part 2

| July 8, 2011 | 0 Comments
Summers New Rears Resolution Part 2

By following last months New Rears Resolution Part 1 you are four weeks or so ahead of the curve on the toosh tightening plan to bring in the summer with a tighter toner look in the back side. Last month’s installment tackled “My Buns are Too Big” where we lauded the value of the Elliptical […]

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